End of happiness

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Life hasn't gotten any better, with Reapers coming up more and more... We won't survive for long. I watched when Trish left Cole, not a word, she just left. That's when he and Zeke decided to get out. They will probably go to a random group of people, protesters probably, and try to get out with them. I will stay here with my friends, as much as I want to leave. I know I must stay here and deal with these Reapers with the rest of my class...

I got up from my bed and saw Toga snuggled up in a bunch of blankets. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to go down stairs. I started to eat some of the food I had when I saw Trish come in to take her stuff. She thanked me for letting her stay but she didn't want to be in the same building as Cole anymore. I asked why she's leaving and she broke, saying he killed her sister and how terrible things have gotten because of the explosion. She stormed out. I do know that she will stay in the city, helping people get on their feet. She was a nurse so she knew what she was doing.

I went outside to the fogged up city, the entire place looks depressed and that is pretty accurate. I got a call on my phone from Deku.

"Hello?" I say.

"Y/N, there is a problem here." He said in a panic voice.


"No, villain attack."

"Damn, I'll be there soon." I said and hung up, he texted me the coordinates.

I ran into the car that was in the driveway, Vinnie gave it to him before this shitshow happened. He drove fast to get there and once he did, he was surprised.

"Hey, I think you should leave." I say.

The huge man tried to attack me but I was quick to dodge out of the way. O dived behind a wall that was smashed soon after. Deku attacked, giving me time to recover.


I Know you hear me Y/N

Let it out

Lets kill him

I looked around and thought to myself. I jumped out of hiding, right when Deku was broken, and sent the left Demon Arm straight through his back and out to his chest. On the other side was the Demon Arm eating his heart. Deku watched in horror watching his lifeless body fall to the ground with a loud thud. I saw that Deku was protecting a small child, and the kid himself was in shock.

"He's dead..." Is all Deku said.

He looked down at the body when something flashed in my eyes. Next thing I knew everything was black, there was not much room either. I had no idea where I was but something didn't feel right, I felt weak. I felt like there was no darkness. Is this what it felt like to be normal? Is this what it felt like with no Darkness? Why do I feel like the main target?

After waiting for so long, I feel my body get thrown. I hit a wall and saw light. I saw a bar, I saw villains. I start to get up when I get hit in the chest, making me crash into the wall again. I looked up and saw Shigiraki, holding a pipe. He hit me again and again with the pipe. I feel the pain all around me, even after it stopped. I looked and saw Toga in her villain outfit, I saw her staring at my bloodied up body.

"You know Y/N," Tomura said, "You should've killed me when you had the chance." He turned to his comrades, "Go find him."

Many villains disappeared through a portal. It was only Kurogiri, Shigiraki, and Toga, but she was hiding. She was out of sight of the other villains. I was healing but very slowly, light didn't help. I try to get up but I fall back to the ground. Instead of begging, instead of asking, I started to laugh. Everyone stared at me, they questioned me.

"You should shut up, kid," I hear Shigiraki say.

"You don't even know what you started," I said, and started laughing again, "This is a war that you shouldn't have started."

"You don't know what your talking about," Kurogiri said

"Oh but I do, you messed with the wrong conduit. I'll come back for all of you, guns blazing. You all will be dead."

"Conduit?" I heard an unfamiliar voice say.

"Quirks with little to none downsides with a lot of upsides," I say laughing more.

I then got hit across the face with the pipe he was holding. I knew I was knocked out because I was in the nothingness of the Darkness. I was just floating in the nothingness aimlessly with the Darkness speaking.


They don't understand

They don't care

Listen to me Y/N

She will be scared of what you become

Everyone will be scared

Let out the rage

Kill him

My eyes shot open like it wasn't me that woke me up. I was being carried downstairs when I attacked them. I was a random thug I learned quickly. I let it out and killed him. The Darkness ate the heart of the man that it killed. I opened the door at the top of the stairs and got a blast of blue fire to the face. I fell down the steps, each step hurting more after the other.

NO!!The host will not die

I got up with the assistance of the darkness. The armor covered my body as it knew that this was dangerous. I stared at the burned man that hit me with the fireball, he knew that I was bad. I noticed Toga behind him, waiting for something. He shot another fireball at me but I moved out of the way. I walked up the steps as he attacked me more and more. In my hand was the Darkness making guns for me. I fired at him, making him run off along with Toga. I made it to the top when I saw them all with a shocked look on their faces. I shot the goons that ran at me. The Darkness' Demon Arms were surrounding the back of me with Darklings being summoned.

"You know how this is going to end, right?" I asked Tomura.

"You're no hero, Y/N," He responded.

"No, I am the anti-hero," I say.

The pros busted in and aimed guns at all of us. The Darkness vanished when they came in so it doesn't do anything too drastic. I stared at the villains as Tomura vanished. Coward. They took me aside when they knew I was a student. I know that it doesn't look very good but they said it was self defense in this type of situation. Pro's took everyone away and they put me by the ambulance for a check up. Make sure I was fine and safe. Mina did come by but it wasn't what I expected.

"You killed them, didn't you," She asked with pain in her voice, I nodded my head, "Why, you know it's not the hero way, you should be arrested for killing them."

"I-" I started only to get cut off.

"I don't want to hear it. I'm sorry I fell for you," She yelled at me and stormed off. Just like that, time moved slower than I thought it could.

I didn't cry, I didn't want to. I sat there in silence, processing what just happened in front of me. I'm back to square one, all alone. I walked off, or just in the direction of home. No thoughts, no speaking, no hope.

Once I arrived home, Cole and Zeke were knocked out on the couch, TV still on and everything. I grabbed my phone and saw how many messages I have from people. What caught my attention was a text from All Might. He said he wanted to speak with me about this whole villain thing.

Mina Ashido X Male Darkness Reader [Brightest Part of the Darkness]Where stories live. Discover now