Quarantine Cover up

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The first day of quarantine was the only time we went to school. Aizawa told them that the people needed help and to record what, how, and who they helped. More people needed help and not enough heroes in the city. Civilians are getting sick and no medicine is really helping. Life became 10 times harder than it already was. We were surrounded by the government and military so every way to leave the city was blocked off. Damnit dad, I could really use some advice from you. I heard that Cole and the people he came here with needed a place to stay so I offered. They accepted so here they were for a while. They asked about Toga but I told them to lock their doors and not get too close, she likes stabbing. Eventually days turn to weeks, and Cole's girlfriend grows worried because the Blast killed her sister and worried she might lose Cole too.

In the first week, we were on the roof of my apartment building, it's a decent bit tall, Cole's girlfriend's name was Trish and she was out, helping in any medical situation. Zeke was helping Cole get control of his newfound powers, turns out, in the hospital, Cole got powers from that blast. He got electricity but was more powerful than Denki's. Zeke had Cole shoot a battery to power an old style tv that still had cable. He zapped the battery and the TV sprung to life. The TV turned on the "Voice of Survival"guy.

"Hey it's the TV jacker, I love this guy!" Zeke said, the TV started to play.

"Just got word that the feds dropped some relief packages into Archer Square. The liars at the corporate media tell us that we're gonna get our fair share? That more is comin'? Yeah, that's easy for them to say. They're not the ones living in this hellhole, and the truth is that we've been abandoned, and no one's coming to save us. So head over to Archer Square and get that food before the Reapers show up. Voice of Survival out." He said.

Zeke decided to run down the stairs while Cole and I jumped off the building like nothing, Cole was a little more daring. Zeke and Cole ran off to get Zeke's new gun, I for one, walked over to Archer Square, people gathered around the tall All Might statue that had the food caught on top of his hand, like a hook was caught on something. People were crying, begging, praying that the Reapers won't show up.

I heard my phone start ringing, I was getting a call from Denki, "Hey, did you hear about the food dropping?"

"Yeah, I'm at the place, food is stuck." I responded to him.

"Jirou and I are on our way there."

"Better hurry, Reapers might show up."

Denki hung up the phone. As I was standing there, I heard Zeke behind me, "Whew, boy that's stuck up there. I hate to say it pal, but you're the only guy here who'd live from a fall like that. You gotta climb up there and knock that stuff free."

Cole walked over to the statue and started climbing the structure. Zeke did tell me they learned a lot of parkour before they came to Japan. He got to the top and zapped the hook, making it explode and the food fell to the ground. Letting people dig in.

Zeke started celebrating, "Yeah! We are eatin'!"

A few bullet shots were heard and that's when I knew who they were. This was the first time I saw the Reapers, what started as normal drug dealers turned mass killers. Faceless men in red coats that kill for the fun of it. They arrived just a second after Kaminari and Jirou. Cole jumped down and fought some while Zeke was shooting in self defense. Kaminari and Jirou were focused on detaining the Reapers while I killed them if they got too close and used rubber bullets for distance to incapacitate them. Eventually they were stopped, dead and alive. We were all gathered when I could see Cole make his first big decision. I walk up behind him and hear him talking to himself.

"Lot of food here. Enough to feed the four of us for weeks, maybe longer. Bet if I fry a couple people in the crowd, the rest will run away. The food will be all ours, but some of these guys might starve..." I hear him say, he decided to let the people grab what they could.

Zeke told us there wasn't anything good like pizza but there was stuff that was salvageable like canned prunes. We saw a big screen with a picture of Cole. The Voice of Survival started to speak.

"Take a look at this, Empire City. The footage you're seeing was taken by a security camera near (inaudible, he was cut off by Zeke stating the obvious). This is the man that destroyed our city, our lives. Someone from your family died? Well, now you know who to blame. If you know anything about this guy, let me know, cuz we gotta get the word out on this terrorist. Whoever he is, we're going to make him pay." He said... Terrorist...

The civilians all turned to the 3 of us, I knew they were after Cole but I still ran with them. I know Jirou and Kaminari let us run off probably because I was with them. Heroes don't know what to think of them, and the bystanders want him dead.

We finally got back to the apartments when we lost all the civilians chasing us. Cole climbed to the top, Zeke went over to crash because he was tired, while I went through the stairway to the top. Cole was smashing the TV and the fridge with a nearby pipe. It's good that I wasn't the one that paid for it. I guess I would be pissed if I was called a terrorist by the the guy helping everyone in these trying times.

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