James Rodriguez

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I'm sorry for all the James, Jonathan, and CR7.
Not really, I just love them both and I want to marry Cris. Have a steady relationship with Jonathan and bone James. yet I ship Crismes. It's kind of confusing? Still I like writing about them. Sorry not sorry!
Short & Sweet Imagine:)

You couldn't help but smile as you set up the dinner table, James was getting ready upstairs for dinner with your parents. Tonight was the night you were planning on telling his parents that you were expecting your first child. You were wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, a loose flannel and a long-sleeved white shirt, paired with some light brown Uggs. James came downstairs and couldn't help but smile as you finished placing dinner plates on the table. He slipped both hands around your bulged belly. He adored your bump and was excited that you were carrying his child.
"You look beautiful as always."
"Thank you, you look handsome as well." He was wearing a pair of gray jeans and a tight black shirt. James was always a sight for sore eyes.

You cocked your head to the side and kissed his neck.
"Are you hungry babe?"
"A little, are you?"
"No, I'm excited that we're finally going to tell your parents."
James chuckled and said:
"I'm excited too Nena."

The doorbell rang and James slipped away. You pulled your hair into a ponytail and washed your hands. "..She's in the kitchen. We have a little bit of an announcement. Y/n, Babe?"
You felt a little nervous as you made your way over to the living room.
Pilar wrapped both arms around you and gasped.
"Y/n! Dios mío!"
Your father-in-law clamped a hand down on James' shoulder proudly.
You smiled and hugged her back:
"I'm happy that your happy."
"How far along are you? James have you been taking care of y/n? Mijo, you better be. Y/n have you told your parents?"

James chuckled and wrapped both arms around his
Mother. "Yes, mom we have told her parents."
You sat down next to James on the couch across from them and said: "They were a bit upset since, we're not married. But they're very happy as well. As of last week I am five months and yes, James has been taking very good care of me."
"When will you find out the gender?"
"That's the thing mom, our next appointment is tomorrow and y/n wanted to make sure you were there." Pilar smiled as you all walked to the kitchen. She placed both hands on your bump and have you a kind smile: "I was always worried that James would end up with a woman that only wanted him for his money. I am eternally grateful that he met someone who is the complete opposite. You're going to be an amazing mother."

The next day..
James placed a hand on your belly and you leaned over, pressing your head to his shoulder.
"What do you want our little one to be." He asked as he pulled into the hospital parking lot.

A small swarm of paparazzi already there. James' parents were parked beside you.
Your lips gently pressed to his. "Anything as long as its healthy and happy."
The Colombian smiled and pressed a small kiss to your forehead. "Ready?"
You gave him a small smirk and chuckled: "With you? Always baby!"
Lately you had been very cheerful and happy, it made James just as joyful that you weren't very moody or unhappy.

He knew this probably wouldn't last, since your appetite and hormones were very high lately. He was grateful his parents were staying in the guest house next door.
James loved your new found confidence when it came to asking for sex. You bit down on your lower lip and he smiled: "Let's get inside."
He happily carried your purse for you, and admired your beauty.
You were wearing a pair of blue jeans, a maroon tank top and a long gray cardigan, paired with some sparkly black Toms. Your hair was in a loose braid.

James slipped his fingers through yours and smiled kissing your cheek. The paparazzi were surprisingly nice. They only asked a few simple questions.
"James! Y/n! Congrats on the baby!"
"Thank You."
"Boy or Girl?"
"Not sure!"
"Y/n you look gorgeous!"
"Thank You!!"

The nurses met you at the door and closed the door, sending the swarm of people back to their cars.
James checked you in while you sat next to Pilar.
"Hola Nena. Como Estas?"
(Hey sweetie. How are you?)
"Muy bien, un poco cansada.."
(Good, just a little tired.)
James came and sat next to you, resting a hand on your stomach. You pressed your temple to his chest and he smiled:

"He's moving!"
Pilar smiled at her son's outburst and you giggled scrunching your nose. You gently grabbed Pilar's hand and placed it next to James'.
"Feel your grandchild kicking.."
You smiled at your father in law and James said happily:"Pa- come feel the baby."
Your father in law shyly stood up and pressed a hand to your belly.
"Wow, He's James' baby alright. He kicks just like you." "Rodriguez?
A nurse called out. James helped you up, slipping an arm around your waist securely .
His parents waited outside while you changed into the white hospital gown, James folded your clothes and placed them neatly on top of your purse.
The midwife came in with a nurse, along with James' parents.
Pilar took a seat beside James' quickly patting down his hair, making you giggle.
"How are we doing? With the pregnancy symptoms?"
"Very well, I've just been craving lately. James can't keep up."
The nurse carefully lifted the blanket up so it covered your thighs, the midwife poured some petroleum jelly onto your belly and replied: "Well from the looks of your belly, your going to have a big baby." 
Pilar smiled and said happily: "James an eight pound baby.."
"He or she is going to be at least eight and a half. Now lets see if your going to have a little y/n or a little James." You squeezed James' hand as the doctor stared at the screen. She noted something down on her clipboard and looked up. "It's a boy!" 
James pressed a kiss to your lips and smiled:
"I knew it! James Junior, The future colombian soccer star!" 


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