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7:49 pm


He's in his office all day. He never let anyone go inside, even his secretary.

But I heard that he was at Dionysus with Namjoon hyung and Hobi hyung last night.

Don't worry. I'll still try to talk to him tomorrow.


I'm fine. I'm okay now. Don't worry 😉


Don't expect me to believe that.


I heard Kai and him talked.

That day that I was waiting for him.

I understand why he did that.


Huh? What do you mean? Kai? Yoongi talk to him? What do they talk about?


Kai pays someone to follow us and he knew that Yoongi proposed to me. He has videos and pictures.

He blackmails Yoongi that he will spread the video and picture of Yoongi proposing to me.

It will surely ruin Yoongi's image to the public to the whole Agust D Entertainment. So I understand why he did that.


Wait. What do you mean by people knowing that Yoongi proposed to you means ruining his image to the public? I don't understand.


Everyone knows that Kai is my fiance. If people knew that Yoongi proposed to me, it just means he'll be the third party. And I don't want that to happen. This is my fault. I should think first before I accepted his proposal.


You could just tell to media that you don't love Kai and it's just because of a stupid arrangement by your family.


I know Kai since we are little. When he wants something, he will do everything to get it. Kai is a good actor. I don't think telling to media is a good idea.


So you're just gonna let him control the both of you? You will just let him get what he wants? You will let him use you?


It's not a big deal to me. I will be fine. After he got LOXE Entertainment, he will leave me.


How sure are you? He once broke his deal with you! Did you forget that already?!


It's fine. Yoongi and Agust D Entertainment are more important now.


But you are important too! You're gonna let that jerk do what he wants?!

What happened to the best for Yoongi?! That you are for Yoongi!? That you are the best for him!?


We have no choice. And besides Yoongi want this. He's the first one to choose this way. He doesn't want to marry me. He knows this is the right thing to do. Maybe he realized that it's wrong to be with me who's engaged to someone already.

I'm sure he's regretting everything now.


Jimin... we both know he's not like that.


I know I shamelessly said that the best for him is me.

But I never thought about what's best for us?



And this is the best for us.

We are not really for each other.



two down... one more to go 🚶🤭


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