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10:17 pm

Taehyung: The news... isn't true right? Nothing happened to Jungkook... The... The police mistook him-

[Hey... please calm down... stop cryin-]

Taehyung: Hyung! How can I stop crying after knowing that Jungkook was shotted!?

[It's not your fault-]

Taehyung: It is! I'm the reason why that happened to him! I should be the one-

[Taehyung! Don't say things like that! Jungkook will be fine...okay? He's strong and-]

Taehyung: Please... hyung I... I want to go there...

[You can't... It's still not safe for you to go anywhere. I'll handle this. I'll update you about him okay?]

Taehyung: Hyung! Please! Let me go there!

[Taehyung listen... that psycho escaped-]

Taehyung: What?! I thought the car was-

[It wasn't him.]

Taehyung: Then who's in the car that reported burst into flames?

[The... body that they recovered was totally... burned. It will be hard for the authorities to figure out who is it... but...]

Taehyung: But? But what hyung?

[They said that... the car belonged to... Bo gum-]

Taehyung: No! No! You're joking... right?! Hyung please don't joke like that!

[I'm sorry...]

Taehyung: No! Take it back please... this is just a prank! It can't be... Bo gum promise me... please... take... it back!

[They recovered some things belongs to him... the authorities said it will be a long process to investigate a burned body... but if Bo gum's family or maybe his dentist can recognize that the body was his... it will help the investigation...]

Taehyung: Hyung...this can't be... he's one of my close friends... all he does is to protect and help me all along... This can't be... why do I need to go through this?

[I know... he's a good friend of yours... I saw how... he fulfills the part that I should be the one giving to you... Bo gum did everything to help and protect you.]

Taehyung: Hyung...

[I'm sorry. I feel so useless...]

Taehyung: That's not true... You did everything for me too... I was the one selfish and didn't tell you anything... That's also why Jungkook...

[Stop blaming yourself for what happened. Jungkook will be okay... They are removing the bullet from his body now. I'll ask Namjoon to let you go here and stay here until he wakes up, but you will go back there again until the police catch your stalker... is that clear?]

Taehyung: Thank you. Hyung!


-2 days later-

3:49 pm


Let's talk.

I got your number from Jungkook's friend.

This is Jungkook's dad.


Where do you want to meet Sir?


Wait for my call.

I don't want to see your face.



I don't know much about the investigation for the burned body, I just read some news for references. Always feel free to correct me.


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