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- 1 week later -

10:32 pm

Tae 🥺:

You and Namjoon Hyung are together again?



I mean I don't know

Tae 🥺:

What do you mean you don't know?


We didn't talk that much. We miss each other so we fucked.

Tae 🥺:

The heck?! You're fuck buddies now? I thought you're not into that?!


First of all, we're not fuck buddies. We just did it once. We are ex-lovers who missed each other. Second, you're right. I'm not into that but Namjoon is an exception. If he wants that set-up then sure!

Tae 🥺:

What the? When did this happen?


Last week. After the Baekhyun incident.

I immediately contacted him about your safety.

You know him, he won't talk to you about this...

Tae 🥺:

Is this about 2 years ago? Did he still blame himself?


I explained to him so many times but idk he still keeps blaming himself.

Tae 🥺:

I need to talk to him.


I'll tell him.

By the way, why you're with Bogum for the last three days? Do you have a shoot with him?

Why I'm asking? Because of Jungkook.

Tae 🥺:

Jungkook told me it's okay with him!


When you said to someone you're okay with it, are you are? Sometimes you are not.

And Jungkook is just shy to tell you that he's jealous of Bogum.

Tae 🥺:

Bogum knows about my stalker.


How? You didn't even tell me about this!

Namjoon is the only person you told about this! Now Bogum knew? I'm your cousin Taehyung!

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