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5:40 pm

Taehyung: Where the hell did you go? Why you left Taeju here without saying it to me?

[Chill! Babe, you're so hot! Take a breathe okay?]

Taehyung: I need an explanation!

[It's Seojoon. He asked me if we could meet—]

Taehyung: So you left my son alone here?! You should call me first! I didn't know he's here!

[He's not alone. He's with your assistant.]

Taehyung: Ugh! I can't believe you left Taeju for your ex-boyfriend!

[Calm down. Who hurt you today?]

Taehyung: I'm not in a mood today okay? And can you please stop calling me your husband! My assistant likes you! Stop teasing her!

[That's Kenny, right? You should see her face when I told her I'm your husband!]

Taehyung: The guts of you to make fun of her! You should tell her properly that you're not into girls—

[That's why I told her that I'm your husband.]

Taehyung: That's not the right thing to do! You're giving me a headache Bogum!

[Sorry! Will tell her next time.]

Taehyung: Make sure of that! I have been so done of you lying to me.

[Pfft! You can't still move on from the last 2 years?]

Taehyung: How dare you laugh at that! You made us believe that you're dead! I didn't even know how will I explain that to your mother!

[We did it to catch your stalker.]

Taehyung: I know. And I will be forever thankful to you for that ...but someone died...

[Hush, I never explained this to you because I'm still giving you time for what happened but since you're the first one to mention it, I and my bodyguard already knew what might happen that day. Jay is like a brother to me. He works under Seoul High Security and he has this goal "To stick with the plan. Whatever it takes." Before he chases your stalker, he gave me a letter for his family. He knew... it's his time that day. And he also wrote you a letter right? Didn't he tell you to not blame yourself?]

Taehyung: But... I don't think I'm someone worthy of someone's life. I should be the one—

[Stop it. You are. I'm willing to die for you. Jungkook even took a bullet to save my bodyguard. It just means that he's also willing to die for you. Stop looking down on yourself. You are a great person Taehyung.]

Taehyung: Your bodyguard is a single parent... His son is only 2 years old at that time... and what happened to his father is not acceptable... it's not just fair...

[You adopted Taeju and treated him as your own son. That's all matter now.]

Taehyung: That's because I'm guilty of what happened to his father.

[No. It's because you are kind. You care for his son even if it's not your fault. You don't want him to experience what you are going through when your father died early. Stop thinking that you adopted him out of guilt when I can clearly see how much you care for Taeju. You like kids. And let's not mention that you for aid his college already. You even bought a house for Jay's family. You know to yourself that you're not doing it because you're guilty but you wanted to help them.]

Taehyung: I don't know... it's been 2 years. My conscience still bugging me.

[Don't pressure yourself... okay? Maybe see your therapist again? Or do you want me to find a new one?]

Taehyung: I have an appointment Tomorrow with Dr. Johnson. What's this paper bag that Taeju gave me?

[Oh! Open it!]

Taehyung: It's...

[Jungkook's album!]

Taehyung: There's a signature... you went to the fan sign?

[Yes! I crashed to his fan sign. He keeps rolling his eyes when he sees me at the line! I bought two of his album and told him I will give the other album to you and suddenly his mood light up,  did you see what he wrote?]

Taehyung: "See you soon.". Maybe he's talking about Namjoon and Jin hyung's wedding...

[I don't think so... Did you know what he wrote to mine?]

Taehyung: Huh? What?

["Fuck off. I'll get him back." He's such a sweet kid.]

Taehyung: Seriously?

[Yeah and to trigger him more, I told him we are living together.]

Taehyung: Bogum!!!

[What? You know how I love teasing him! By the way, Seojoon isn't my ex-boyfriend anymore. We are back together and I hope you and Jungkook will too soon. Recommending sex for you!]

Taehyung: What the f—

Call ended.


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