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9:49 pm


He's awake already. He wants to talk to you.


What?! Really? I just got home. I'll go back there again!


He really wants to talk to you right now. I think it's important.

He will call you now.

He will call you now

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10:03 pm

Taehyung: Hey! What the hell happened to you?

[I'm fine Taehyung. Still handsome as ever]

Taehyung: You really have guts to joke after what happened  to you? Are you okay now? Wait for me and I'll go there!

[Hush! I'm okay now. And No. You don't have to go here. I'm fine seriously.]

Taehyung: What really happened? You're not drunk.

[Someone chasing me.]

Taehyung: Chasing you? Who?

[I don't know him. But...]

Taehyung: But?

[I think you know him.]

Taehyung: How... do you say so?

[Remember our fake dating? The telling to media that we're in a relationship?]

Taehyung: What about that?

[Few weeks after that, I noticed that someone following me. At first, I thought he's just a weirdo wearing a black mask who wants to follow me wherever I go but no... he's not that kind of person... One time when I was having dinner with someone, I saw him sat not too far from our table and at an angle that I was the only one who will able to see it... he showed me a gun... after that, he started sending me death threats...He kill me so bad...]

Taehyung: What...

[What happened yesterday isn't the first time that he attempted to kill me. He knew where my house is... I was sleeping when I heard a long cry from my dog. I quickly went there and saw the same man... he still wearing the mask and he's strangling my dog. And..he just... let go my dog when it stops crying... then he escaped quickly thru my window as nothing happened.]

Taehyung: No... Your dog!? How is he?!

[Luckily, my dog survived. But he almost... killed my dog.]

Taehyung: Did you tell this to the police already?

[I did... they are having an investigation already.]

Taehyung: Do you need more bodyguards? Private Investigator?  I'll talk to Namjoon...

[I... I really don't have a plan to tell this because I thought he's only after me but when I found out the reason why he's after me... is because of you... I can't help but cry about you...]

Taehyung: How... did you find out that it's because of me?

[I was ignoring his texts but when he calls me... I thought answering it might help the investigation... He said to me that I was just your fake boyfriend and how come that we fooled him. He also said you are his precious... that you are only his. I didn't agree with what he said and told him you're not his so he got angry. He told me that he's going to hit my car so I tried to escape him and ...this happened.]

Taehyung: I'm... I'm so sorry...

[No... Taehyung listen...It's not your fault. I didn't tell you this to blame you. I told you I don't really have a plan to tell this to you but I'm seriously worried about you. So please... be careful. I don't know what I'll do if something bad happens to you.]

Taehyung: I... I will take care of myself. Don't worry... you... you take care of yourself too.

[He's really a dangerous man Taehyung... He's so obsessed with you...and a fucking psycho!]

Taehyung: Do you have an idea who's this person is?

[No but I'm sure he's someone you know... He's someone close to you—Fuck... I'll just talk this with your cousin. I'm sorry Taehyung. I shouldn't really say this to you— Please... stop crying... ]

Taehyung: No... you did the right thing. I should know this. Thank you for being a concern to me... I'm just scared.

[I'm always here for you Taehyung. We are always here for you.]

Taehyung: Thank you so much. Please if there's something you need or what.. just text me.

[Just be safe Taehyung. That's all I need...]

Taehyung: I think you deserved to know too...

[What Taehyung?]

Taehyung: I know him. You're right. He's someone I know and close to me.

Call ended.


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