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[Him ❤]

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[Him ❤]

11:37 pm

[Why the heck you ended the call? I thought something happened to you!]

Seokjin: I panicked too okay!? I can't believe what I'm hearing!]

[Do you think I'm  lying?]

Seokjin: No... I didn't mean to sounds like that.

[It's the truth...Since we've been together, you became My life. Not just a part of it... but My life. That's why... I proposed to you... I want to be with you as long as I'm breathing... You're My everything Jin... My life...]

Seokjin: You're making me cry...

[It's okay to cry.]

Seokjin: So all this time... I just broke up with you for nothing?  I have been stopping myself to see you, to hug you, to kiss you...for nothing?

[No... maybe it was still worth it because you're free now to reach your dreams.]

Seokjin: Reach my what? my dreams? What do you mean by that?

[Your dream is to be a singer right? To sing in front of many people... And I stopped you from doing that...]

Seokjin: Stopped me? What the heck are you saying?

[Instead of being a singer, I asked you to be Jungkook's manager.]

Seokjin: Wait... so that's why you let me go? because you thought you were stopping me from my dreams?

[Of course, I don't think that there are other reasons to let you go besides that... I have no right to stop you from being someone you want...That's so selfish of me.]

Seokjin: If I became your life then you became my dream Namjoon!

[Jin... you told me that to be a singer is your dream.]

Seokjin: I have so many dreams Namjoon. And most of it is with you! To be a singer is just one of my dream... But to be with you is my forever dream!

[But being Jungkook's manager isn't in your dream.]

Seokjin: Being Jungkook's manager is not a dream... it's a responsibility. When you introduced him to me, I remembered Taehyung so much on him. He's like a lost boy when I met him. And that is why I agreed to be his manager, even we argue all the time, I still love that kid. This might sound fake but I will never regret being his manager... we learned so much from each other. And...he's like a family to me!

[Even if he always gives you a headache?]

Seokjin: Oh...I hate that part... but sometimes, it's my fault also! I'm being irresponsible to him.

[You're still the best manager for me.]

Seokjin: Really huh... what comes to your mind and think that you're stopping me?! I know you, you will not think such things unless something triggers you. What it is?

[Maybe someone...]

Seokjin: Your stepmom?

[She's not my stepmom anymore. My dad broke up with him last year, I don't know why she's messing up with my life.]

Seokjin: Your dad and she broke up!?

[Yeah... I just found out last week.]

Seokjin: What great news! So can I curse her now? You know I just stopping myself to do that because  I thought she's still your stepmother.

[Yeah just go on. I don't care.]

Seokjin: That fucking witch! That fucking homophobic bitch! She told me I'm not pretty enough!—

[She said that?]

Seokjin: Yes! That bitch! No one ever told me that! And she keeps saying that I will never fulfill your needs?! Heck! So what have we been doing all this time?! I'm pretty sure that I'm giving you what I need! I'm blowing you until—

[Uhm... yeah. She doesn't have the right to say that to you.]

Seokjin: Now tell me! Am I not fulfilling your needs? Does sucking you—


Seokjin: Answer me! I'm the best when sucking your dick right?!

[Gosh... You're so bold.]

Seokjin: Answer me!

[You're the best at everything. And even sucking my...]

Seokjin: Good! I didn't watch porn for anything!

[What else she told you?]

Seokjin: Nothing much serious besides that. She just keeps sending me some photos of you and Hwasa before—

[You know Hwasa and me don't have a thing anymore right?]

Seokjin: Of course! Hwasa is a classy bitch! She's a queen! and I know ruining someone's relationship isn't her thing. And I know she's your first love. Then if you want her back, it's fine! I won't blame you, she's Hwasa! But I know you wouldn't dare. I'm pretty confident that you want me to be your last.

[You're right.]

Seokjin: Right? Which part?

[That you will be my last. Why?]

Seokjin: Damn I thought you will say I am right that you will get her back!

[I thought you're pretty confident Jin.]

Seokjin: Not all the time!

[How about Sophie... you know her...]

Seokjin: Oh... Sophie... the pregnant girl you with? I know you're not the father! I have so many interactions with your sperms! and I can say it wouldn't grow a 3-month-old baby in just 1 month of meeting.

[Your.... Your mouth is really something else. ]

Seokjin: You love this mouth.


Seokjin: Damn! I almost forgot about Taehyung! But I told you to just send it to me right?—

[Let's meet. I want to see you... I miss you and your mouth—]

Seokjin: Where? Nevermind. I know where are you.

Call ended.


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