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[Jungkook's Dad]

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[Jungkook's Dad]

3:53 pm

Taehyung: Sir...

[Let's get straight to the point I want you to leave my son! You're the reason why he almost died!]

Taehyung: I... I'm sorry.

[At first, I let Jungkook be someone he's not because I thought he will go back to what he is, but I made a mistake! I shouldn't let him go near on you! You made him into something I can never accept! My son... Jungkook
... is not gay! You pass him your disgusting disease! So stop the shit and leave my son alone!]

Taehyung: Disease?

[You're not aware of your condition? You're gay!—]

Taehyung: You're being too much. Sir...

[Too much? How could you say that? You're the one who made my son gay! That's too much! I gave everything to raised him well. To be a decent person. To be someone respected.  And then... you came! You ruined him! He's not the Jungkook I used to know. ]

Taehyung: Then who's Jungkook you used to know? The one who follows you? Your puppet?

[I raised him! So he should follow all that I'm saying! You're just brave because you're the one controlling him now!]

Taehyung: Are we all this about Sir? The one who's controlling Jungkook? I never control your son—


Taehyung: He's not your puppet! Jungkook has his mind and body—

[I'm his father!]

Taehyung: You're just his father. He doesn't owe you anything!

[You can say that because no one raised you! You grew up in a poor environment and it's showing!]

Taehyung: I work hard for everything I have now. You can't just say that... you don't know anything about me.

[You use your body for money! You dated so many rich CEOs just to fulfill your needs!]

Taehyung: That's not true. Even how much I explain myself to you right now you will never listen to me—

[You're no different from your cousin who seduced Jungkook's boss! That disease really runs in your family!]

Taehyung: I allowed you to insult me, say everything you want to say to me... but saying shits about my family—

[What?! I'm just telling the truth! I shouldn't let Jungkook signed that company in the first place! If I only knew that their CEO is gay! I won't even let Jungkook step on that building!]

Taehyung: I do wonder why I need to deal with some people like you...

[Some people like me? Do you mean someone like me who is willing to help people like you? To stop spreading your disease? Of course, there's a lot of us! Your condition is a serious matter. The government should do something about this... You can be treated! I know someone who can help you—]

Taehyung: Stop it. This is not a disease need to be treated. Do you know what needs to be treated? being homophobic.

[Homophobic? I'm just trying to save my son from you! He's not gay! Tell me! What do you want? How much do you want? $10 Million? $30 Million? Name your price! Just leave my son!]

Taehyung: I don't need anything from you, Sir.

[We both know why you are into my son! So just name your price because I will never accept you for my son!]

Taehyung: Don't worry Sir. I won't ask you to accept me for your son. It's not you who I'm in love with.

[You have no manners, young man!]

Taehyung: I do have, Sir. Despite what you all said to me... I still respect you.

[If you respect me, then leave my son!]

Taehyung: You never been a father to him. You keep saying that he's your son... But I don't see a father at all. I just see Jungkook as your son but not you... as his father.

[I just want the best for Jungkook! And obviously, you are not!—]

Taehyung: He needs a father. You will lose your son if you don't start acting like one.

Call ended.


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