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Amelia Rose Grey. She was an extraordinary girl. Different from any other you may have met. 

Her skin was as pale as paper, her hair dark and long, like a raven who greeted the night. Her lips were red, looking like her boiling blood was going to break out. The thick and bushy eyebrows of her were supposed to mark her face with many emotions, but however, they didn't. Her body was well shaped, but she didn't allow herself to gain any more weight to ruin it. Her posture was straight and her face sculpted, like a statue, facing its petrification. Her eyes were as dark as the night, that was invited by the raven. They were deep and expressionless. Her look said so little and yet hid so much. To anyone who saw her she seemed cold, uninterested and full of herself. But that wasn't the truth. And she wasn't always like that.

Amelia was a pureblood. However, she was not a part of the Sacred 28. Her mother Adena and her father Caius were from Bulgaria and probably the nicest people to ever meet. They were all lovely and kind. Everything that ever mattered to them was other peoples safety and humanity. Blood was nothing important for each of them. It was just a genetic thing and didn't make anyone more or less worthy. Amelia had a brother, two years older than her. His name was Callum. The family moved to England when Callum turned three. They've decided that it would be a better place to live and raise their children. After a few months of getting used to the new environment, Adena and her husband got the news. She was expecting another child, a boy, Cole. From the first moment he was the sunshine of the family. They lived perfectly happy. The children got older and Adena and Caius loved each other more and more. 

However, this happiness broke down when Amelia was twelve years old. It was the holidays and everyone sat in the living room as it happened. Everyone except Callum. A loud siren sounded and a blue light shone through the window panes. People in police-robes knocked and looked down sadly. ,,There was an accident." they said. ,,Your son was hit by a car. He's in the hospital." Callum didn't make it. The injuries were too serve, he lost too much blood. His heart stopped beating. And a piece of Amelias did too, the largest part. Her brother was everything she ever had, everything she ever needed. Callum was there, always and ever. She talked to him about everything and he did so too. They had a connection like no other and loved each other regardless. Amelia was sure that he was her soulmate, no matter if they were related or not. He was her air, her breath. He kept her alive, till the point where he lost his own. Since that moment Amelia has never been the same and this person would never return. She lost love that day, she lost what everybody needed. She lost herself. Her heart broke apart, tiny little pieces falling everywhere, not being able to be fixed again. The grey-family was ripped apart, but not like you'd imagine. 

Her parents and Cole survived this together. They accepted and respected. Remembering the perfect past, they kept living, looking out for each other even more. It brought them closer together. And then there was Amelia, who pushed her family away. She never was able to recover. She wasn't able to forget, nor accept. She wouldn't, she couldn't. Everything about this house, this town, this life was reminding her of Callum. All the memories they made, all the fun times they had. But it was all gone now. There was nothing left for her than pain and broken pieces. It was haunting her every day since. But after months of tears, screams and lifelessly, her mindset suddenly changed. Amelia would never be hurt like this again. She wouldn't trust someone again, just to be left alone and lost in all the misery it caused. She wouldn't love again. She wouldn't live again. Her life was just there and she wouldn't change it, but neither would she enjoy it, as her brother didn't get the opportunity to. And ever since, her face was nothing more than a masquerade of boredom and disinterest. She didn't want to have to meet anyones expectations, she didn't want to be involved in anyones feelings, she didn't want to be noticed. This was supposed to be everything the people would be able to see. But behind all of this was everything she didn't say, everything she did feel, everything she was. 

Hiding behind her studies and knowledge was everything she had left, when she went to go to Hogwarts. The castle was the only place, where the voices in her head got quieter. She had problems there as well, but it was better than these rotten memories. 

Amelia was a Slytherin, mostly because of her ambition and hard work. However, she was unknown in every other house. She was nondescript, nearly invisible. But the Slytherins knew of her. The blood-traitor. The disappointment. The unworthy girl. Purebloods knew about the Grey-family. They weren't interested in blood-supremacy or ,,racial segregation", as the prejudiced called it and neither was Amelia. Those racist thoughts and behavior was complete bullshit. The Slytherins hated her for who she was and they would use every opportunity to let her know. They called her names, offended her and tried to break her. Oh, if they knew she was already broken. Considering the hatred, her house felt towards her, Amelia kept to herself most of the time. She didn't want to get involved with these people or their thoughts. She kept distance from them and from everybody else. 

Well, nearly everybody. There were three exceptions. She had three friends, that she made before Callums death and they didn't leave her since. For one there was Molero, a halfblooded in Ravenclaw. He was tall and had dark curls spread all over his head. His humble smile was calming and soft and made all bad thoughts disappear. Amelia met him on the train in first year and immediately felt connected to him. Mo was smart and kind. He was quick-witted and a tactical genius. Reading texts once of twice, he already knew every important information, that would be relevant. He was well known for helping others with their work and opening up about the importance of education. The second was Lauretta. Laurie was the sunshine of the group and an energetic whirlwind. When she moved around, her fire-red hair started to look like hot flames, that caught everyones attention. She was a Hufflepuff muggleborn and she was the most selfless person, Amelia has ever met. She was creative and sentimental, but mostly she was caring. She always cared about everyone and everything. She wanted to make other people happy and tried to help whenever she would be able to. And then there was Jay. He was the charming and cool one. The good looks and his perfect smile brought him many female fans in school. They admired him for his handsome face and extraordinary hair. But Jaden wasn't a player. He respected women and their feelings, not wanting to hurt anyone. He was a Hufflepuff as well and a pureblood, but as much as Amelia, he didn't care about someones blood. He cared about personality and passion, about feelings and trust. 

The four were a mixed group, that always held together. They accepted Amelias change and herself, being fully supportive about everything, especially the way she would choose to live. They knew how hard it was for her to lose her brother and they tried everything they could, to remind her of life and happiness. And to be honest, with them, Amelia was happy. It was the only time she was happy these days. With them, she could talk normally, without being judged. They accepted every facade of her and loved her regardless. Around them she could be herself and let her mask fall. They saw her bare and true and everything the others didn't get to acknowledge. She let them in before she decided to push everyone away. In the beginning she tried to do the same to them, but they didn't let her. 

And she was thankful for that. 

Because that was everything she had left.


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AN: Hello guys. This is the prologue for 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐢𝐧, a character-instruction for Amelia.

I hope you like it and are going on this journey with me. 

Let's see what happens when a girl like Amelia meets a boy like Remus.

𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐢𝐧 • remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now