Chapter 29°

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Chapter 29° The full moon in all its glory

Chapter 29° The full moon in all its glory

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It was early and Saturday morning had already dawned when the dew trickled down the window panes in small drops and glassy coatings formed on the tips of the blades of grass. The air was damp and the view into the distance was obscured by fog. It was like looking in the mirror shortly after stepping out of the shower and all of the warm air that the water was creating vented through the room.

Amelia wandered the hallways of Hogwarts and made her way out into the garden of the castle.

She had already woken up when her roommates Alecto, Narcissa and Arabella came cranking out of the common room in their dorm late at night and babbling to herself while Lia pretended not to notice and was still asleep. It seemed to have been a successful and alcoholic evening for the group of Slytherin girls. But Lia was glad not to have been there and to have to deal with drunken purebloods. Since that late confrontation, she hadn't slept and hadn't found a way into the land of her dreams. She had tossed from side to side, but nothing seemed to work. And so she had stared at the ceiling of the room for what seemed like an eternity and waited for every coming second to pass. When the sun finally recovered slowly from her sleep and got out of bed and the moon came to rest, Amelia did the same as the sun and left the room that simply did not allow her to relax. It was still so early that no other student wandered through the house, especially since it was a Saturday and therefore a day off.

Lia enjoyed the silence and went for a walk. She hung in memories of everything that had changed for her recently and everything that was to come. She softly hummed the song that Laurie had shown her and her friends on her Muggle device that day in the garden. It spread pure joy in Lia and that's exactly what she wanted to feel now. As she stepped out of the stone corridors into the courtyard, her thoughts slipped to a chocolate-brown pair of eyes and a smile that was like the sun. The pattern of fine whitish lines, the velvety voice and the caramel-colored hair that fitted in a messy arrangement on the head of a very tall student. Her thoughts slipped to the boy who made her heart beat faster and louder and enveloped her heart in warmth. Her thoughts slipped to Remus Lupin.

And as if it had been a message of fate, this very boy appeared in the girl's field of vision with a thawing heart. But was Amelia's fate meant to be good or bad?

He looked so much more beautiful in real life than in her mind. After a few moments she broke out of her state of stare and stepped up to Remus. Why is he up so early? she thought. It's Saturday after all.

There was a very simple explanation for this. Today was full moon. The day Remus dared to fear anew every month. The night in which he lost all control of himself and his body and became the monster himself that had haunted him in his worst dreams since he was four. It was an inescapable nightmare he would never wake up from, no matter how far the time went and what was going on around him. It was horrible.

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