Chapter 26°

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Chapter 26° A work of art

Chapter 26° A work of art

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Little did she know that with her scarf a small, bound book also fell out of her pocket on the leg of the boy on her right.

Her sketchbook.

The book she'd tried to hide from others for so long. And unfortunately for her, the page flipped to exactly one drawing that she began to draw just a few weeks ago on the small bank of the lake.

Catching sight of the bundle of paper right in front of him, Remus adjusted his eyes and slowly picked it up, scooping it into his hands. At first he just observed the little book itself, before opening it fully again, taking a look at the sketch right in front of his eyes.

However, Lia didn't seem to notice anything of this as she was too distracted with wrapping her scarf around her neck and making herself comfortable on the ground.

Staring down at the connected lines on paper, Remus' eyes widened. It was the back lake in its whole glory. It showed the distance and size from a front angle. The water seemed to drown in the highlands, as the surface was overwhelmed by many huge mountains, looking like a column getting ready for a fight. Above the surface, in the middle of the lake, there was a girl. Her feet were floating over the water but were tried down by tight ropes. It looked like they were about to pull her down and drown her in the depths of the lake. She was covered in a black dress, that reached past her knees and a large hat that covered most of her face. However, one was still able to see the tears that ran down her cheekbones and slowly collected in the curve of her chin. The girl held her arms out to the side, looking like she was waiting for someone to save her from giving in and letting all the pain go. 

Remus was shocked. And that he was for multiple things.  

1. This drawing was absolutely beautiful. It was so filigree and detailed even though it was just drawn with one and the same pen. He could assign a meaning and purpose to each line. It was a work of art by a girl that resembled a small miracle. This was breathtaking.

2. What does this mean? Of course, Remus was able to understand the ropes and the position they put the desperate girl in. The look of fear and yet relief was unmistakable. But that was exactly what confused him even more. The combination of these feelings. It was almost as if she wanted to drown even though something was trying to keep her from it. But this realization also left some questions. Why doesn't anyone save them? Why does she somehow look content despite her situation? And above all, how did such a young girl get into this situation?

3.  She kinda looked like Amelia. Her dark hair was cut shorter in this sketch, yet it still looked like the curtain that framed her face everyday. However, it couldn't be her. It just couldn't. This girls seemed so young yet so lifeless. She couldn't be any older than twelve years old. Still, there was a certain similarity between the girl to Remus' right and the girl in front of him, drawn on a piece of paper.

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