Chapter 20°

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Chapter 20° Home

Chapter 20° Home

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Wrapping her arms around Laurie, Lia hid her face in her shoulder. ,,I am home, Laurie." she said, smiling as bright as ever.  

,,I am home

,,Of course you are." Laurie breathed, pulling away to look at Amelia completely. Color was starting to fill her face again and covered the pale look. The tears in her eyes were thick, but the smile on her face seemed to be the most true one, anyone had ever seen on her in the past years. But why?, Laurie thought. She just had a panic attack and now she's smiling like she didn't have in such a long time.

Without a warning, Lia was pulled into a hug, so tight that her lungs seemed to run out of air. Mo had been in complete shock, as he saw Amelia crying and smiling like this, but after he caught himself he couldn't stop but fall into her arms. The tears that were filling his eyes before, now slipped right out and ran over his cheeks, gathering down at his chin. He wasn't able to form a whole sentence, so he pulled her into his chest in silence.

However, Lia saw the tears on his face, that made her heart froze. She had never seen Mo spilling just one single tear. He had always been the encouraging friend that tried to point out the best things in everything. But seeing him so lost, seeing him cry tugged at Lias heart.

She wrapped her arms around his torso and rested her cheek on his chest. ,,It's okay, Mo. I'm okay. Please don't cry." she whispered, nuzzling her nose into his robe.

,,I was so worried. It was different this time, Lia. You didn't even see me. It-" His breath caught his throat and the rest of the sentence didn't even bother to come out. His voice broke silently and Mo took that as a chance to take a deep breath and rest his head on hers.

,,Shhh- it's okay. I'm perfectly fine." Lia said, her hand running up and down on his back. ,,I'm sorry that you had to see this."

None of them being able to respond or even say one word, they simply kept holding on to each other in silence for another minute. As they pulled apart, Mo stood up and wiped the tears from his eyes. That was Jays chance to come up from behind and walk past his mate. 

He took Lias face into his hands and placed a soft, but loving kiss on both her cheeks and lastly her forehead. ,,Never do something like that again." Stepping back, Jaden smiled at Amelia and wrapped an arm around Mos shoulder. 

Laurie came closer to Amelia and wrapped her arm around her as well and like that, the four teenagers stared at one another, their love filling the whole room.


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