Chapter 5°

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Chapter 5° Attention

Chapter 5° Attention

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,,We didn't really talk, besides like, how to handle the stuff with reading and research and stuff, you know." Amelia said expanding, taking some steps forward, as the corridor was quite crowded.

She didn't want to stay in this mess of happy students, who are loudly talking and laughing. The loud impressions and sounds filled her ears, to the point where she felt like her head was about to explode. Girls gossiping and laughing, Boys talking about the girls and their crushes, the sound of closing bag-buckles, loud footsteps coming from everywhere. Skin clasping on skin, kissing couples, little whispers, that were louder than they should. Lia fell back into a hole of memories from her past, back into the time where she enjoyed those things. Where she was one of those oblivious children, who thought everything was fun and good. But years ago her fate had taught her better. All those sounds, connected with the visual scenarios made Amelia go crazy. Why did everyone have the chance to live this carefree, but her?

,,Hey-" Mo started, facing her. He put his hand under her chin, making her look up at him as well. ,,Are you okay?"

His touch made Amelia calm down immediately. The feeling of his warm fingers, holding her and not letting go, even if everyone else did. She leaned into his touch, searching for his eyes. The deep-brown color of his eyes burned a hole into her own, connecting to the dead part of her heart. ,,Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry."
Staying in this positions for some seconds, both of them just kept staring at each other, searching for each others souls.

,,You sure don't know a Slytherin called Amelia, eh?" a voice interrupted their moment of sentiment. Removing his hand from Lias cheek, Mo straightened his posture. After both of them came back into the reality, Molero and Amelia turned their heads to the speaking voice, looking right at Remus Lupin.

After he left the classroom, he left the corridor, turning around the corner, to go into the great hall. Remus wanted to meet Peter and talk to him about some books for class. However, when he turned around, he stood right in front of his potions partner and Molero Jones. They were standing really close to each other and Jones was touching her, but Grey didn't seem to mind it. Not at all, actually it looked more like they were silently communicating through eye contact , like telepathy. So they were lying in the court yard, Remus thought. But why? As he had to walk past them, he decided to just make a comment on it. It wasn't meant to be mean or something like that, but it would clear up, that he knew about the lie.

Mo remembered the day under the trees, when Remus and his friends asked Laurie, Jay and him about Lia. They decided to just lie and protect her friend, as she didn't want him to know where she was. And Molero didn't regret it. He did what he thought was best for Amelia and that was everything that mattered for him. ,,Sorry, mate. It wasn't my place to tell you." he said vague.

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