Chapter 10°

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Chapter 10° Late night

Chapter 10° Late night

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The evening grew old and Amelia decided to go back to the common room. The dungeons were as dark as always and the air was smelling like metal and stone. Not a bit of wind flowed through the corridors that could hang in your ears. It was completely silent. Lia was amazed because someone was actually always in the hallway or there were noises when the portrait was opened. The Slytherins were often up late at night, drinking together and exchanging Death-Eater-news. If there were any muggleborn incidents, that was the number one topic anyway. They just couldn't hold back. Their humanitarian feelings were only meant for their own kind and even then just limited. But today there wasn't the slightest sound to be heard from the dungeons. The few portraits she encountered on the way were silent as well, most of them already sleeping.

When Amelia said the password and stepped through the portrait hole, the reason for the silence was quickly explained. It was completely empty. The couches were motionless and lonely, while the armchairs were untouched. It was swept empty except for one of the three armchairs that stood in front of the fireplace. A boy was sitting there. His hair was jet black and fell in waves on his forehead. He was still wearing his robes, but a few buttons were already opened. His grey eyes were lit by the warm light of the fire and seemed almost silver. The boy was surrounded by books. Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them; Magical Creatures: Life near us; Aquatic animals and their nature. In addition, there were many sheets of paper and notes in and on the open pages of the books.

,,Hello, Regulus." Amelia said, sitting down on one of the other armchairs. The green velvet upholstery gently wrapped itself around her skin the deeper she sank into the soft fabric, and she took one of the blankets to protect herself even more from the cold of the night.

The boy, just mentioned, startled. He hadn't heard the girl come and registered it. He was too absorbed in his school matters and assignments. But when he recognized who was speaking, a small smile fell on his lips. ,,Oh, it's you. Hey, Lia." 

The two met in his first and her second year. 


After the house sorting and the feast, Amelia stayed a little longer so as not to be taken by surprise by the large number of people. She drank her water in peace and watched as the hall was getting emptier, she looked around. There were only 4 students left at their table and one of them was Regulus. The little boy was sitting at the end of the big table and crying softly to himself. With his head in his hands, he used his sleeves to wipe the tears that silently slipped down his cheeks from his eyes. A slight tremor enveloped his body and a low sob escaped his mouth.

When Amelia saw the frightened boy she got up and sat next to the little one. She put her hand on his arm and made him look at her. "Hey, I'm Amelia, but you can call me Lia."

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