Chapter 3°

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Chapter 3° Unavoidable

Chapter 3° Unavoidable

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Days went by and Remus felt like he was going crazy. Since the announcement of the project was made, he tried to find Amelia. But nothing. He couldn't find her. lt was like she didn't even go to this school. However, now he was able to understand why he didn't see her before, she just was nowhere to be found. Remus looked everywhere, not knowing if she was doing it on purpose or if it was just a coincidence. When they were in the great hall for either breakfast, lunch or dinner, he glanced through the whole room, trying to find her. In class he looked for the now familiar face, but he didn't seem to have any other class with her. Every time someone was passing him, he looked at them intensely, trying to figure out who it was. Remus identified every other Slytherin in his year, except Amelia. And he couldn't even ask others, as he did not know who she was friends with and he, sure as hell, wouldn't go up to some random Slytherin and ask for her, sounding like the biggest creep in the whole school. So he decided to wait till the next potions-class and then speak to her, even he was extremely annoyed and exhausted by all this trouble.

However, it was anything but easy for Amelia either. She tried everything possible to stay away from Remus. She was sure that he would be looking for her, wanting to talk about the project, but she didn't know how to handle all of this. Of course she knew, that it was absolutely stupid, considering that she will have to talk to him anytime soon, but Lia tried to avoid it as long as she could. She had talked about it with Mo, Jay and Laurie for hours, after she assured that there was no way to get out of this project. She even considered to change potions for divination, so she didn't have to work with him, but her friends stopped her from doing anything like that. They tried to calm her down and tell her that Remus might not be the worst partner to work with, despite the fact that she had to meet him somehow. Despairing what else to do about it, Amelia decided to run away from Remus Lupin. And let me tell you, it was not easy. Since he was looking for her, it was even more difficult, than usual. Him and his friends were everywhere. Well, everywhere she wasn't. She she ate earlier than everyone else, running into the great hall as fast and early as possible, eating really fast. In the corridors, that she tried to avoid for the most, she checked her surroundings, every time a door opened or she stepped around a corner. When she would catch eye of mine of the marauders, she would immediately turn around and go the other way. When she was in class, as she actually did have other subjects with him as well, she always sat in the last row in the corner. She was the last to walk in and the first to leave, if she even attended the class. Sometimes she just decided to skip it completely. Lucky for Amelia, she tried to stay unnoticed for years, so she had some practice for the whole I'm-Running-From-RemusLupin-Thing. But either way it was hard and stressful.


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