Chapter 18°

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Chapter 18° Just a prank

Chapter 18° Just a prank

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,,You guys did very good today. The class is dismissed, have a nice one." the professor announced. 

Amelia was currently sitting in divination class, when the teacher, professor Diggin appruptly eyed the class, after staying silent for the last 40 minutes straight. Diggin was a quiet one, actually unusual for a divination teacher, however, Amelia liked that about him. There just were moments, where nothing was to be said and to follow that was best. He was tall and had pale skin, the sun making it look like porcelain. The dark-blond curls fell over his head, being brushed to the back. He had always been nice and welcoming, even if he was reserving. 

Amelia threw her parchments and papers into her bag, after she had laid the books in there carefully, not to rip a page or anything. The last thing to do was put the quill and ink into the side pocket of her leather bag. She stood up quickly and pushed her seat up to the table, so it looked nice and clean. Lia turned around, opened the wooden, large door and left the classroom and other students behind. She ran down the long spiral staircase and made her way through the crowd of students. After class, Mo had wanted to meet Amelia in the courtyard, in front of the fountain, to discuss her homework over the past few weeks. Lia gladly accepted this help because she knew how smart and a good student Molero was. He always wanted to help her as soon as this opportunity opened up to him and Lia seemed to accept the help.

Today there was a smile on her face. Quite unusual, but Amelia seemed to be doing great today and that was reflecting on her face and her demeanor. She was looking forward to meeting Mo and just wanted to relax and spend time with her friend. The sun was shining and invited the students to a warm and calm day in the area.

Lia ran through the corridors and left more and more rooms, portraits, students and teachers behind her. She already recognized the illuminating rays that streamed through the corridors as she approached the courtyard, but she did not even reach it fully.


Peter shivered slightly and folded his finger nervously. His blond hair fell into his face, but he didn't even seem to notice, as he caught up with his friend. He walked past two portraits, that greeted him nicely and put a hand on his friends shoulder, to stop him.

,,James, I'm not sure if this is a good idea. Please let's think about it again." he said intently. 

James sighed annoyed and gave his friend a raised brow, paired with an encouraging smile. ,,What do you mean, Wormtail? It's a great plan. We've never done anything like this before. What could go wrong?" He was really motivated for this prank they had planned. I can't wait to see all their faces, he thought. James had spent quite some time for this and really hoped that it would turn out good.

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