Chapter 23°

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Chapter 23° Room of Requirement 

Chapter 23° Room of Requirement 

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The girl sat hunched over the many books and parchments and examined the words. She hadn't heard Jaden come in, not even when he sat beside her. Amelia was so deep in thought that she completely ignored her surroundings in order to concentrate on her texts, to really understand the signs and runes.

And so she jumped frightened when suddenly a clear voice rose. But it was certainly not the voice of her beloved friend.

,,What the fuck-"

Amelia squealed slightly, as she winced in surprised manner. Turning her head rapidly to look who was disturbing the silence that came as Lia entered and left when she walked out of the room, the girl looked right at the marauders. All four of them were standing in the door frame, looking confused and surprised. 

The four boys discovered the room of requirement years ago when they made their marauders map with lots of spells and work. After completing the map, Remus, Peter, James and Sirius often checked that the students coordinates corresponded to reality. And it was, but there was only one problem. There was a point on the map where a person was never seen or anything moved. Everything stood still there. After much deliberation and guesswork as to why it was so, the boys looked in vain for this room. This door was nowhere to be found in the castle until James, annoyed and disappointed, dropped his back against a stone wall and sat down. He wondered what could have gone wrong and why it just didn't work. Everything was right with the map, except for this avoidable space. He wanted the answer with which he could solve the riddle when he suddenly found himself in front of a wooden door. He felt how the wall that grazed his back changed and reshaped, so that he jumped up in shock. In front of him was a large wooden door that allowed him to enter with an iron doorknob.

Since then, the four students have been using the room to plan pranks, have game evenings or simply spend quiet time undisturbed by the others. Remus sometimes came here to read in peace and Peter enjoyed doing his essays and preparing for exams here without the distractions. James thought of new ideas how he could finally get Lily to go out with him and Sirius let all of his feelings enter when nobody was looking. They have never met or even suspected another person in this room before. The boys were either alone or together, but when they were they were always among themselves. And so the look at Amelia and Jaden sitting behind her brought a certain shock.

Seconds passed in which the students just looked at each other in shock.

,,Yeah, what the fuck?" Jay raised his voice with the same confusion in his voice that James had. For them it was quite the same. Whenever one of the four friends was there, none of them was ever accompanied by any other people other than Laurie, Lia, Jay or Mo. They had never excluded that someone else knew about this room, after all there were hundreds of students in this castle, but they were never proved otherwise. Until now, as Amelia and Jaden were confronted with another four people right now.

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