Chapter 4°

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Chapter 4° Purebloods and potions

Chapter 4° Purebloods and potions

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Since the kitchen-incident, as Amelia liked to call it, she remained a little more cold than usual. After she went back to her room that night, she started hating herself for her behavior and dumb actions. Run away form someone as naive and unimportant as him. There was nothing about Remus Lupin that was supposed to make her feel weak or out of control. She was not weak. She survived all of the burdens that life had given her so far. Even if her life didn't have the slightest purpose. Why would she have to feel insecure, just because of some stupid boy? No, she wouldn't let it get that far. She was just gonna do this idiotic project and then go back to normal. She would stay as hidden, as she always did, except for her meetings with Lupin. Nothing more, nothing less. Her friends were right. This has no impact on Amelias life if she doesn't make it have one. And she most definitely would not.

To be honest, she was a little angry today. For the whole last night she was silently shouting at herself for all these unnecessary worries and stupidities she managed to have in the past days. It was inconvenient and useless, so why have them? Wanting to leave those uncertainties and doubtfulness behind, she tried to lift her mood with some good breakfast and coffee.

But her mood got even worse as there was a little situation going on after Lia went to go to the great hall for breakfast. She was done eating, so she walked towards the dungeons to get her bag and books. However, as she was half way down, Bellatrix Black, Arden Mulciber and Evan Rosier were walking in her direction. As it was the usual time for students to wake up and go eat, they wanted to do so too. There's technically nothing wrong with that, but catching eye of Amelia, they just couldn't keep their mouths shut and leave her alone. She needed to get into the common room and there was no other way, so she had to get past this confrontation, no matter what. Besides, the three had already seen her and she wouldn't just run away, like a coward, now.

,,Oh, look at this. How lovely. Little Grey decided to honor us with her presence." Rosier shouted, patting Mulciber on the back to lead his attention on the girl in front of them. And it worked perfectly. The boy turned around and focused on the pale girl.

A disgusting smirk rose on his face, as he spoke. ,,Uhhh, haven't seen you in a while, Grey. What happened? Aren't running away from us, are you?"

,,Sorry Rosier, but my presence won't safe your reputation of an asshole. I don't think anyones could. And Mulciber- I'd like to keep my honor and not converse with you." Usually she wouldn't have said anything, but as she was already angry and annoyed, she just couldn't stay quiet. Besides, she had to walk past them, so she could at least have some fun with it and safe her pride.

,,Ameliaaa-" Bellatrix shrieked, smiling in fake manner. ,,Sweetie, what's got you looking so miserable, huh? But, well, never mind. You always looked like this."

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