Chapter 14°

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Chapter 14° Something better

Chapter 14° Something better

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,,You are going to do what?" Mo asked, looking at his friend confused. Like, they were going to do what?

,,Lupin and I are going to the edge of the forest." Amelia explained. Her and Remus planned this the last time they talked, as they had to get all the ingredients first, before starting the brewing process. They agreed that it would be tidier and clearer. However, she didn't specify which forest, because if Molero knew that she wanted to go into the forbidden forest, he would throw her over his shoulder and lock her into a room. Not because he wanted to hurt her, but because he knew how stubborn Amelia was when she wanted to do something.

,,To do what exactly?" Mo looked intently at Lia. He didn't like the idea that she and Remus wanted to go into the woods alone. Even if Hogwarts was safe, there were many unknown beings hiding in the dark corners. In addition, he didn't trust Lia's partner a bit. He hardly knew anything about Remus and couldn't judge him. And that fact, he didn't like at all, especially when the whole situation also involved Amelia.

Amelia sighed and started the explanation once again, fiddling with her hands. ,,We have to get rose thorns and petals. For the potion." 

,,I don't like this. I neither trust him nor the idea of you wandering around in the forest." Mo crossed his arms in front of his chest and propped himself up. Now he looked even taller than he already was. His jaw clenched a little and a sternly look was covering his face.

However, Amelia was going to ignore that and spoke: ,,I get that, but we have to do it and are going to. Besides, I have to go now. Don't worry, I can handle myself." She stood on her tiptoes and reached his left cheek to place a light kiss on it. Looking at him once again, giving him a reassuring smile that was supposed to be calming, she turned around.

,,Be careful!" Mo shouted after her, shaking his head in worry and a little bit of anger.

,,I will!" Lia shouted back, which made Mo smirk slightly. This woman is going to be the death of me.


Walking down the moving stairs, Amelia walked towards the exit, through which one could get to the courtyard and into the forest. Remus had insisted that the two met beforehand and not go individually towards the forest. It came in handy for Lia, because she hadn't revealed to him either that they had to go into the forbidden forest and not the one that borders the lake. Actually there was no reason to hide it from him, but since he hadn't asked, believing she was already talking about the normal one, Amelia left it at that. She didn't know what he was going to say, but Professor Sprout had already told her about the lack of Roses and that she really needed them at the moment. So it was the only possibility and Lia knew how to take it. In the worst case, she would go alone and leave Remus behind, in case he was scared.

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