Chapter 12°

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Chapter 12° Detention

Chapter 12° Detention

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Amelia had left quickly, after McGonagall dismissed the whole lot, just wanting to get away. Not particularly from Bellatrix, as she had fun looking at her miserable, bloody face, but from the four boys who watched the whole scene. The ones she had to spent a whole evening in detention with, even if she didn't care about getting the detention in general. She wasn't sure if she was supposed to feel ashamed with them having seen the punch and her whole conflict with Bella, or if she should feel proud about the way she handled everything and stood up for a person that meant a lot to her. However, she was not entirely sure what the older Black brother would have said, if she stayed a little longer. Lia saw the look on Sirius' face when his cousin spoke, but she also didn't think it would effect him as much as it seemed to have. In the end Bellatrix said the truth. He had lost Regulus and it was his fault, even if the circumstances were complicated. Still, a little bit of pity rose up Lias body, thinking about the hurt fade in his eyes. The look Remus had, however, she was not able to figure out. When the marauders approached the situation, Remus eyes were focused on her the whole time and Amelia could feel his eyes burning a hole into her skin. On the one hand his face looked blank and meaningless, but on the other hand he also seemed almost worried. But what about? Her being pressed against the wall? The wand that dig into her neck? Or the anger in Bellatrix' look, making it unpredictable what would happen next? 

Anyway, Lia had already talked with Molero and Jaden, as she went to the big tree once again, trying to calm herself. The boys heard about an incident between two dark-haired Slytherin girls and were assuming that one of them had been their friend. Expecting her to be there, Mo asked Jay to tag along. Amelia explained the whole situation to them and was pulled into tight hugs after. Jaden was really proud of her, considering she raised her voice at something wrong and stayed strong. 

Hours in the sun had passed and Regulus had asked Amelia to accompany him to the astronomy tower. He had heard of the incident between his cousin and Lia, but his friend refused to explain the reason for her action and he had stopped asking. She didn't want to involve him in something that would only cause him worry and sadness. He had been through enough already and Lia wanted to save him from emotional consequences. She said yes with a smile and the two made their way to the highest attainable point at hogwarts. The moon was shining brightly and the stars kept him company. The sky was clear of clouds and invited the world to peace. The birds were already asleep after they had finished their chants and most of the inhabitants of the forbidden forest had also laid down to rest. You never knew what exactly was lurking there. Amelia and Regulus talked about their day, the school and looked together in silence at the night sky. It was these moments that gave both of them the feeling of togetherness and security. That bound them together.

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