Chapter 30°

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Chapter 30° Monster 

Chapter 30° Monster 

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For Lia, too, the night came to life as the full moon made its way to its highest possible point. She had been looking forward to seeing the full moon at night for the whole week. Despite the foggy morning, the night was absolutely clear and free of clouds. All the stars had gathered around the moon and watched him make his appearance. A glance at the trees made them look like big hands trying to grab you and yet unable to negotiate the distance. But if you looked more closely you could see how many small yellow dots between the branches. Eyes. The eyes of many owls, birds and other animals that celebrated their existence at night. Little fireflies flickered around and bats looked for good places to enjoy the view as well.

And Amelia did the same. She had climbed all the stairs to the astronomy tower, with a blanket and her sketchbook under her arm. She sat on the edge of the tall building and now wanted to enjoy every little detail of the view.

She had been enthusiastic about star signs from an early age. It was something very special that united the whole world. Certain constellations that consisted of so many stars that seemed so small to us and in reality were so unimaginably large. Something that our eyes cannot recognize, but Lia's heart can appreciate. She had already dealt with many constellations and always enjoyed them when she could recognize them in the real sky. Of course, she also knew his connection to the Black family. Amelia thought it was wonderful that the entire black family was named after stars and constellations. This tradition showed something uniform and yet individual. Sirius, Regulus, Andromeda, Narcissa, Bellatrix, Orion. Such special names that had a purpose.

She liked names that told stories that not everyone knew about. So her father always said to Amelia: "Always remember, you are Amelia. Amelia stands for skill and bravery. You always have to be strong. You have to hold on and move on, no matter what. Be brave. Be strong." And even if she was so often on the brink of letting go and giving up her life, she sincerely hoped that she could somehow live up to this name and its meaning. Because she wanted to be brave.

Her memories, thoughts and feelings that took a bigger and bigger run were suddenly interrupted when Amelia saw the marauders running across the courtyard. It had to be them. She could make out a boy with dark long hair and someone else's glasses that reflected the light of the moon. She recognized blonde hair that was moving in the wind and small lines on the fourth body that seemed to glitter that night. 

Scars. Remus' scars. 

The four were moving fast, but who she thought were James and Peter seemed to be supporting Remus, whose legs were beyond his control. The figures became increasingly difficult to recognize and smaller for Lia, but in the end she still saw them heading in the direction of the shrieking shack.

She had already jumped up to - to what exactly? She wanted to run to them, what they were doing outside the castle at this time and whether they needed any help or not. But she would be far too slow. She had to walk down the entire tower and through the lock to get outside at all. Besides that, Remus didn't want to see her anyway.

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