Chapter 2

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The boys stared, looking the chaser up and down. Oliver stuck his hand out, "I'm Oliver Wood. Captain of the Gryffindor team. Our beaters, Fred and George Weasley." Wood points to each red headed twin as he calls their name. Fred waves nervously, something that was rare for him to have. He and his brother were usually very confident. Claire chuckled.

"And Lee Jordan the announcer. Yes I know. Boys are so oblivious." She ran her hand down her pony tail flicking it in the air. "I've had classes with most of you."

"What?" Fred looked confused. Claire nodded. "Bloody hell." She rolls her eyes.

"We were sorted the same year." The twins and Lee Jordan were all mind blown at the fact none of them had noticed an entire human being for five years. "Guess students really do wear the house blinders." Flint stepped forward.

"If you losers are done spying now, we have more work to do." Oliver stepped forward, inches away from Flint.

"Says the Captain who's lost two years now." He says folding his arms over his chest.

"You know last year hardly counts because they canceled." George moved closer to the captains.

"Which would never have happened if the heir of your house hadn't tried to kill my sister and loads of other students."

Flint's eyes darted to George, raising his eyebrow. Claire groaned.

"Are you boys going to have a pissing contest all day or can we get back to practice?" Marcus Flint stepped back in line with his team.

"See you on the field." The boys watched as green robes soared into the sky one after the other.

"Well she's feisty." Fred said, breaking the silence.

"And she's bloody good. We've got work to do guys. Lets go." Oliver turned on his heels and left the pitch.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Fred and George sat in Charms class, both propping their heads up on their elbow. They were both exhausted. Wood added extra practice to the team he was determined for Slytherin to go down. "These extra practices are killing me." Fred slammed his Charms book shut and shoved it in his bag, as Flitwick dismissed the class.

"At this rate we won't even be able to play in the first game next week. We'll die from the practices alone." George slung his bag over his shoulder.

Fred was staring at the other side of the classroom, Claire was clutching a book to her chest. He had been thinking back to the night they were sorted, racking his brain trying to remember her. So far, he was having no luck. She turned on her heels, her black hair moving with her and left the classroom with a few other Slytherin girls.

"Earth to Freddy. Man this chick is driving you mental." The twins both exited the classroom.

"I'm just curious about her is all." George glared at Fred.

"She's a Slytherin. Tells you everything you need to know."

"What?! Don't we have anyone else?" Claire was standing in front of Flint, she was yelling.

"I wonder what that's about." Fred tapped his brother's arm and nodded in the pair's direction. George shrugged.

"Go find out?"

"Right." He nodded and sprinted towards the chaser. She groaned as Flint parted ways with her. "Hey. Um you okay?" Fred ran his fingers through his hair.

"Why do you care?" She snapped.

"Well, when Flint was over here you were yelling. I can just leave you alone if you want." He turned on his heels, his back to her.

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