Chapter 15

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Fred's eyes fluttered open, he was unsure of when exactly he fell asleep. The last thing he remembered was hearing Claire's faint breathing as she slept on his shoulder and George's groans from being woken up. His head was resting on Claire's and she was now laying on his chest not his shoulder.

"Morning." George raised an eyebrow at Fred as he held back the need to giggle.

"Shut it." Fred lightly shook Claire, whispering her name. "Claire. Wake up."

Claire began to stir, she rolled slightly holding onto him tighter. She groaned.

"Claire, you gotta wake up." Fred shook her a little harder, he wished he didn't have to wake her up but it was already October 30th. Names would be picked tomorrow, and the biggest reason she wasn't supposed to be in their common room.

She began to stir as a lighthearted, but deep and familiar voice pierced her ears, it was Fred's. He was so warm and smelled so good. She did not want to wake up, much less did she even want to move. "Do I have to get up?" She finally spoke.

"Yes, you do." Fred stroked her hair chuckling softly, before she finally sat up stretching a little.

She ran her fingers through her hair, fixing it. "I'll bottle up the potion." She pulled two small vials out of her bag and poured a small amount of the potion in them. Fred and George both got up and began rummaging through their trunks.

Claire glanced up as Fred pulled his sweater over his head. Her cheeks flushed, as her eyes scanned over his torso, she had never noticed how toned and muscular he was till now. Fred smirked as her cheeks changed colors.


She looked up, a shirtless Fred standing above her handing her a dark blue knitted sweater. "Mum made this one last year and didn't put a letter on it. So, no one will know it's mine." He smiled down at her, running his fingers through his hair, fixing it back to a less messy appearance.

Claire pulled the sweater out of his hand. "Well." She glanced down, running the soft fabric through her fingers. "At least it's not red." She said jokingly.

Fred walked over to his bed, sliding his arms through a wrinkly white button down; while Claire pulled the sweater over her head, small pieces of her hair stuck out from static. She ran her fingers over them, smoothing them out again as Fred and George both put on their Gryffindor robes.

She handed them both the vials. "I assume you guys will be attempting after morning classes?"

"Yes." George answered, dropping the vial into his robe pocket.

"I want to be there. Mainly so I can laugh when this doesn't work."

"Why would it not work?" Fred glanced at her, following his brother in hiding the vial in his robe.

"You really think an aging potion is going to fool an age line? Done by the Headmaster himself?" She folded her arms across her chest.

Fred walked a circle around her, leaning down. "It's going to work."

Claire was skeptical but she definitely wasn't going to miss this event.
"Have some faith, Claire." Fred quickly kissed the side of her head before darting to the door. He opened the door peeking out and looking both ways. He waved his arms, motioning for George and Claire to exit. "Just stay in between us, and keep your head down."

George went first, then Claire and Fred would follow behind her. Thankfully the rest of the house had already left for classes; the three of them were definitely running late. They were able to get through the common room and out of the portrait without anyone seeing.

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