Chapter 21

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With the return of Voldemort, summer plans changed. While the Weasleys would normally spend the summer at the Burrow, this year they would be at Grimmauld Place, home of The Order of the Phoenix. Claire still spent the entire summer with The Weasleys; she enjoyed the time she got to spend with her boyfriend, Fred and his family. She grew closer to Hermione and Ginny as she shared a room with them.

The sound of footsteps pounding against the wooden floor and giggles mixed in the air as Fred chased after Claire. Fred caught up to her, wrapping his arms around her and tossing her over his shoulder. There was a playful scream as she wrapped an arm around his neck.

"Got ya!" Fred yelled as she spun her around, before setting her back down on the floor. "Bet you we can beat you downstairs." He smirked.

"You're on!" Claire kissed him before taking off downstairs, with Fred right behind her for a few moments before he and George apparated downstairs with a pop, right next to Mrs. Weasley.

"Ooo!" She jumped, whacking both of them on the arms. "Just because you are old enough to do magic doesn't mean you should do it all the time!"

The twins both roared with laughter as Claire came jogging down the stairs. "Hey! You can't apparate that's cheating!"

"We didn't say how you have to get downstairs." George pointed his index finger at her.

"Sorry Mrs. Weasley."

"Please dear, call me Molly." She glanced at her as she stood next to Fred.

Harry chuckled as Molly scolded the twins, everyone glancing at him. Moody's staff banged against the wood as he walked into the dining room, followed by Tonks and Kingsley.

"Oh, hi there Harry!" Fred and George spoke simultaneously.

Voices echoed from the dining room, the door was slightly cracked open. Molly hugged Harry, he peeked into the dining room over her shoulder. "Why don't you lot head back upstairs and get ready for dinner." She said as she pulled the doors shut.

The four nodded, the twins soon disappearing again with a pop.

"Try walking next time please!" Mrs. Weasley yelled up the stairs, an echo of laughter returning.

"I'll walk with you Harry, come on." Claire held onto the railing as she walked back up the stairs, Harry following behind her.

"Uh, Claire? What is going on in the dining room?"

"A meeting of The Order."

"The what?" Harry asked, confused. 

"The Order of the Phoenix. Hermione and Ron will probably explain more." They reached the top of the stairs and Claire dropped Harry off at Ron's room, going to find the twins.

"You two just going to apparate everywhere now?" She kissed Fred's cheek as she entered their room.

They both nodded.. "Most likely."

"You guys haven't even spared a piece of parchment all summer! I know nothing as to what is going on." Harry's voice echoed in the hallway.

"Ah, there's our que." Fred elbowed George and there was a 'pop' as  the twins disappeared again. Claire rolled her eyes and groaned as she apparated a few seconds after them.

"Are you lot done shouting?" Fred sat down on the bed, Claire sitting down next to him after a few moments. 

"Can someone tell me what is going on?!" Harry looked around at the bodies in the room, none of which had fully explained anything yet.

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