Chapter 12

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October 13th came quickly. Afternoon lessons had been canceled to prepare for the arrival of their guests and students eagerly gathered in the courtyard. The sky was nice and clear, slightly graying from the sun beginning to set. Claire stood next to Adrian, his arm was around her waist. Fred and George leaned on the stone balcony.

"What is that? Is it a bird?" A first year was pointing to the sky, a look of curiosity in his eye.

A large object was coming into view. "No it's not a bird you nitwit." Fred rolled his eyes, not just at the first year but also at the fact Claire was with Adrian.

It indeed was not a bird, but a large carriage being drawn by horses flying through the sky. Hagrid stood waving his arms, leading the carriage to a not so graceful landing. He quickly moved to the side as it landed hard on the ground. A large woman stepped out of the carriage, she was the size of Hagrid only taller.

"Madam Maxime." Dumbledore greeted her as he walked towards her.

"Ow good to see you, Dumbly-Dorr." She had a thick French accent. Dumbledore took her large hand, kissing the top of it. "You will make sure ze horses are looked after?" A small handful of students exited the carriage dressed in pale, baby blue silk robes.

"Ah, why yes. Hagrid here will be sure to take very good care of them my dear Maxine."

"Ze only drink single malt vhiskey."

Dumbledore chuckled a little bit. "I'm sure our Hagrid can manage that." He said as he patted her hand, leading her and the students to the castle.

"They must be from Beauxbatons." Claire whispered.

The commotion calmed down for a moment as heads turned looking for Durmstrang's arrival. So far, they were nowhere to be seen. "Look at the lake!" A Ravenclaw boy shouted. The mass of students rushed to the Black Lake. The water was rocking, waves forming as a massive ship emerged from under the water. A tall thin man with a goatee disembarked as the ship docked. A small group of students followed behind him, wearing blood red robes and capes of fur.

"Igor." Dumbledore took his hand, shaking it.

"How are you Albus?"

There was a gasp from Ron. "It's Krum!" Ron sounded like a schoolgirl.

"Maybe this will be the year Ron gets a date." Fred chuckled, his younger brother gave him a scowl. Harry and Hermione however couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh, shut up." Ron's cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

The Durmstrang students filed into the castle, the Hogwarts students following behind them.
The Beauxbatons students sat at the end of the Ravenclaw table, while Durmstrang sat at the end of the Slytherin table. Claire was talking to Krum about what it was like to play professional quidditch at such a young age. She had hopes of being a professional chaser after Hogwarts. Fred couldn't help but stare as Krum made her laugh.

"Bloody hell, don't tell me I'm going to have to compete with Krum too." Fred stabbed his fork angrily into his food. "It's bad enough I have to deal with Pukey the slick git."

Adrian was none too happy about her paying so much attention to Krum as well. "I'm sure you'll be able to go professional babe. You're brilliant." He slid an arm around her shoulders, kissing the side of her head.

"You know, I was supposed to go to Durmstrang." Draco Malfoy leaned forward trying to steal focus.

"Mother wouldn't allow me to be so far away though, no matter how much father insisted."

"Yet I'm sure you would've still found a way to run to him because you stubbed your toe." Claire's voice was dripping with sarcasm.

Adrian nearly spit out his pumpkin juice laughing.

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