Chapter 11

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Claire sat in a car on the train, Adrian and Flint with her, a copy of The Daily Prophet in her hands, a moving picture of The Dark Mark in the sky replayed on the front page. "Terror at World Cup" printed as the headline.

"I can't believe they have yet to catch anyone for this." She threw the paper onto the seat next to Flint.

"Everyone at the ministry is incompetent. Are you really that shocked?" Adrian's voice was snarky as he spoke. "I'm sure it was just a prank."

"Adrian, that was not a prank."

"Calm down babe, it was a joke." He slipped his arm around her shoulders.

She shook her head, getting up letting his arm fall to the seat. "I'm going to go track down the trolly." She slid the door to the train car open and carefully walked down the aisle, as she came up to the trolly.

"Yes dear?" The trolly witch had a cheerful voice. "What can I get for you?"

"Every Flavored Beans, please." She handed the elderly witch six sickles from her pocket, paying for her candy.

She held the box  over her shoulder for Claire. "Here you are, dear."

"Do you eat anything else?" A warm breath tickled the back of her neck as a voice whispered in her ear, a voice she recognized instantly.

"Fred Weasley, do you enjoy sneaking up on me?" She turned around, eyeing him as he stood back up straight.

He smirked. "Oh you noticed?"

She playfully pushed him to the side. "Oh shut up." Fred chuckled as he bounced back, holding his hand out for her to walk in front of him.

"So, I'm not sure what it is, but my brothers Percy and Charlie keep hinting something big is going to happen this year." Fred walked behind her, rubbing the back of his neck nervously as he tried to make conversation with her.

"I wonder what it is." She raised an eyebrow.

He shrugged. "Guess we will find out soon enough. Shouldn't be too much longer till we arrive." Fred stopped outside her compartment, staying to the side almost as if he was trying to stay hidden. "I'll see you at school." He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. She pulled in his scent of smoke and firecrackers, before going back into the car.

"Something going on between you and Weasley?" Adrian questioned her as she sat down next to him.

Claire opened the box of Every Flavored Beans and popped one in her mouth. "He's a friend?" She said it almost as if it was a question and not a fact. He was her friend, but maybe she wanted more than just that with him. It began to cross her mind that maybe she was settling for Adrian, that she didn't actually want to be with him.

"You sure?"

Claire nodded as she ate another bean, smiling softly at him. "I hope he knows that." Adrian possessively pulled her closer kissing her lips.

"Oi, Get a room!" Flint yelled, as shook his head.

"This is a room, Flint." Adrian pulled Claire onto his lap, wrapping his arm around her waist to hold her steady while she ate her candy.

"Gross." Flint rolled his eyes as Claire threw a bean at him.

Rain struck the windows of the Great Hall as students buzzed about after the first year sorting ceremony, waiting for Dumbledore to take the podium. Barty Crouch from the Ministry of Magic was sitting at the staff table. The Headmaster took the podium. "Welcome students! I have some exciting news for you all this term."

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