Chapter 28

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Once the seemingly never-ending holiday break finally came to a close, over the following weeks Claire and Fred fell into an uncomfortable routine. He avoided her at all costs while she did the opposite; she found herself lingering in places just to catch a glimpse of him. On this particular day, Claire leaned against an archway and ever so often peeked over the top of the book she was reading. A crowd had gathered around Fred and George as they tossed around a no-heat firework.

"Yeah, Georgie! Over here!" Fred's infectious laughter filled the small courtyard as George tossed the firework to his brother. He caught it in one hand, swirling it behind him and over his shoulder back to George.

Claire's eyes began to tear up at the sight of Fred happy without her. She should have been over there with him and George, smiling, eyes full of life, but instead she was hiding away and stealing glances from afar.

"Catch it, Freddy!"

The crowd of students around them giggled and watched in amusement as the twins whirled a firework around them, bringing a much needed joyfulness to the atmosphere. Claire closed the book she was reading, hugging it close to her chest before walking over and blending into the back of the crowd as a few students came back up from ducking.

"Watch this one, Georgie!" Fred threw the firework high in the air, shooting it above the corridor before it fell back down and into George's hand. He dropped-kicked the firework back across to Fred.

As Fred caught the firework he spun it around, creating a light show for the surrounding crowd. "Right ladies and gents, here goes the big one!" He spun around and tossed the toy behind his back, over his shoulder and into the air. Fred turned around again and there was a sparkle in his eyes, one that almost matched the sparkle of the firework they had been tossing around.

There was an audible change in the atmosphere as the firework began to descend back down. It went off course, instead of going straight for George it veered to the right causing the crowd to separate as it was pulled from the air and sucked into a wand. As it disappeared, so did the sparkle in Fred's eyes.

"Hmm hmm." Umbridge cleared her throat as she lowered her wand and brought her hands together. "I believe everyone has studying to do."

Not a single soul moved as they stared at the little witch in pink. She, however, stared at Fred and George as if they had done something so reprehensible instead of just giving everyone a laugh. Fred pushed his chin out as his eyes grew darker.

"Off you go."

The crowd finally began to dissipate slowly. Claire had yet to move, and neither had the twins.

"That includes you, Miss Fienley."

Claire jumped as Umbridge pulled her out of a trance-like state and she glanced at her before glancing back at Fred and George who wouldn't have noticed her had Umbridge not pointed her out.

"Yes, Professor." Claire returned to the archway she had leaned against and retrieved her bag from the floor before heading back into the castle.

"As if this place wasn't boring enough before, I can't do it Freddy." George rested his arm on Fred's shoulder. "I'm not going to make it till graduation if she keeps this up."

"Calm down, Georgie it's not much longer. Let's go before she comes back."

"Did you see her?" George asked Fred as they walked through the corridor back to the castle.

"Umbridge?" Fred asked, confused. "Yeah, everyone saw her."

"Not her you numpty. Claire."

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