Chapter 33

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A/N: so sorry for taking so long writers block was a bitch this time.

Fred sat in the Great Hall nursing a cup of pumpkin juice while George sat in front of him. "We should probably do more planning tonight."

"Can't." Fred said absently as he glanced around the Hall looking for Claire.

"Why not?"

"Going to be in the library with Claire."

"Again?" George rolled his eyes. "You're worse than Hermione now with how much you two spend in the library. You know you've been with her every bloody moment since the bust." George continued to talk, glaring at Fred who was clearly not paying attention to him. "You know I'm thinking about snogging Malfoy later, what would you think of that?"

Fred's eyes lit up as he watched Claire walk into the Great Hall and towards him. "Sounds wicked."

"Great talk, Freddy." George groaned, as his annoyance grew.

"Hey there, Angel." Fred greeted Claire as she slid onto the bench next to him. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him, kissing the side of her head.

"Watch it now, pink goblin eyes are everywhere." She cautioned.

"As if I care."

"Still sleeping with the enemy I see." Seamus sneered as he walked past the table.

"Still being a tosser I see." Fred threw back.

George cleared his throat from across the bench.

"Hi, George!" Claire said cheerfully.

George raised his eyebrows and waves at her. "Hi."

"Well, we should probably get going to the library."

"Oh, yes! George would you like to come with us?"

Fred bursted out in uncontrollable laughter. "Georgie, in the library? That will never happen."

"You know you also would never be caught dead in the library yet here you are ready to run off." George said coldly.

"Right. Well we best get going." Fred rushed to get up from the bench and waited for Claire to follow him but she just sat there.

"Come on, George. We are studying for N.E.W.T's and I know I take up a lot of Fred's time, I would really love it if you came with us."

"Fine, I guess I'll tag along."

"Excellent!" Claire cheered as she got up from the bench while George reluctantly followed them out of the Great Hall.

The time in the library was awkward for George. Everytime he looked up from a book he would catch sight of Fred kissing Claire, staring at her to the point of almost drooling, or touching her in some way. Angelina and George had been dating about the same length of time but they weren't that bad.

George grabbed a stack full of books from off the desk, disgusted with them. "I'm going to go put these back."

"Oh!" Claire shouted. "Do you mind putting this one back too? I mean, if you're going."

"Yeah, sure."

Claire sat the book on top of the stack. "Thanks, Georgie!"

George stopped and slammed the stack back on the desk. "No." He said harshly. "You don't get to call me that, it's reserved for Weasleys only. Which you are not."

Fred held Claire's hand up in the air, and played with her fingers. "She's not a Weasley yet mate, but she will be." He said as he kissed the top of her hand, making Claire giggle.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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