Chapter 23

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The day bleeds into nightfall and Claire sat at the Gryffindor table just before dinner as Hermione sat a galleon in front of her, Ron and the Twins. Claire curiously picked the coin up and flipped it around in her fingers. "Hermione, why are you giving me a galleon?"

"Why are you complaining about a free galleon?" Ron chuckled.

"It's not actually a galleon." Hermione said as she sat down on the bench in front of them. "It's only meant to look like a galleon, do you see the numbers on the side?"

Claire lifted the coin closer to her, allowing her to examine it more before nodding.

"On a real galleon that is a serial number, but on this coin the numbers will alert you the time and date of the next meeting." Hermione beamed with pride about her idea. "When it changes the coin will warm up."

"That's kind of brilliant Hermione." Claire slipped the coin into her robe pocket. "Where's Harry?"

"He got detention with Umbridge."

"Hey, so did we." Fred pointed to himself and Claire.

"For what?"

Fred chuckled softly before turning to Claire. "You want to explain this one snow angel?"

"I told her she was delusional."

"And?" Fred leaned in closer to her.

Claire pushed out her bottom lip. "And that she was a tragic accident."

Hermione spit out the large sip of pumpkin juice she just took, causing Claire and the twins to jump. "You actually said that to Umbridge?"

"She did." Fred nodded.

"We were there." George added to his brother's thought.

"I can't believe you actually said that to her." Hermione cocked her head to the side. "And how exactly did you get detention?"

"I stood up for my girlfriend." Fred patted the pumpkin juice from his robes. "Which we should probably get going to, no need to provoke the pink bear even more."


Claire and Fred exited the Great Hall ascending the staircases to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. The room was eerily quiet as they entered, and Harry was just leaving the office. "Hi Harry. How was it?"

Harry stayed quiet for a moment. "It was uh-"

A throat being cleared echoed the room, causing all three students to look at the balcony above. "No need to linger Mr. Potter. Off you go."

"Er, right." Harry quickly scurried off out the door.

Umbridge waited for the door to close behind Harry before she spoke again. "Mr. Weasley you will be serving detention with our caretaker Mr. Filch tonight."

"What?" Echoed between the two of them as Fred clenched his fists so hard his knuckles turned white.

"You can't-"

"Careful Mr. Wealsey, you don't want more detention now do you?"

Fred swallowed the rest of his words, attempting to suppress the rage building up inside him.

"You didn't really think I would let you two serve detention together did you?" An evil smirk slid across her lips. "Ms. Fienley will stay with me. Filch is waiting for you in the kitchens, it seems as though Peeves has made a mess of it."

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