Chapter 16

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Ron was hanging around Fred and George more now that Harry had been chosen as a contestant in the tournament. While the twins loved their younger brother, they were annoyed with him being around all the time, they heard him talk enough about Harry at home they didn't want to hear it at school as well.

"I mean honestly, how the bloody hell did he get his name in when not even you two found a way around it." Ron grumbled as he walked with the twins through the corridor.

"Bloody hell Ron, come off it already!" George groaned.

"Oh come on, you can't tell me you aren't at least a little mad too? He's already constantly in the spotlight you would think he would let someone else be for a change."

"I'm more jealous than anything!" Fred scowled. "I wonder how he did it."

It wasn't the first time since Halloween that they'd wondered how the goblet had let Harry enter his name, and they quickly ran out of their usual suggestions and let Ron talk himself out. Their letting Ron complain about Harry, this in turn had them complain to Claire about Ron, and with the first task quickly approaching they both wished that their little brother would make up with Harry and return to his own friend group.

The drama around the castle peaked as the goings-on in the first task were completely mental. Fred, George, and Claire had watched in horror and awe as the champions battled fully grown dragons to win a golden egg for their next clue, an egg that did nothing more than wail when opened.

Thankfully for Fred and George, Ron and Harry made up after the first task, and the twins avoided listening to Harry try and figure out the wailing clue.
Just weeks before Christmas all 4th years and up from each house were gathered with their prospective head of house.

Claire sat next to Adrian, who softly ran his fingers through her hair while Snape paced  before them with a look of annoyance on his face.

"With this tournament, there also comes a ball. The Yule Ball. Dumbledore has instructed us to instruct you all how to waltz. While I think that this is completely a waste of my time-" Snape stopped, glaring at a few of the boys snickering immediately putting a stop to it. "I will not have my house embarrass me by acting foolish." Snape continued his pacing.

Professor McGonagall gave the Gryffindors a similar speech. Ron snickered loudly, McGonagall snapped her head at him. "Mr. Weasley, I'm glad you have volunteered to demonstrate."

Fred and George leaned against a wall, and watched their younger brother walk towards the head of house nervously. Both of them were trying to control their laughter.

"Never going to let him forget this, are ya boys?"
Harry whispered to the twins.


"Hand on my waist Mr. Weasley." McGonagall instructed.

Fred pretended to dance with a partner while he giggled at the embarrassed Ron, as he placed his hand nervously on McGonagall's waist.

Snape's voice never changed. "Pair up with a partner." He instructed, as he watched nervously scramble  to pair up.

Adrian grabbed Claire's hand, securing her as his dance partner. The couples took the floor and waltz music began to echo through the dungeon. Adrian put his hand on Claire's waist, clutching her other hand in his. He spun her around the room.
Snape moved between the pairings, closely scrutinizing their techniques. "No, stop. You imbeciles. Move. This is how you properly do this." Snape moved a Slytherin boy out of the way. "One hand on the waist. One hand in the other hand." As he spoke he moved his hands to the placements.

"Then you move. One, two, three. One, two, three." Snape counted off as he swirled the student around. "It's quite simple." Snape lets go, gripping the bridge of his nose, as the group dances again doing their best to mimic the Professor's actions.

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