Chapter 29

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Fred and George leaned over a small, round table in the common room huddled close together with pieces of parchment scattered about in front of them. The commotion going on around the room drowned out their whispers.

"What are you two going on about over here?" Ron jumped over the arm of the couch and leaned against the twins as they quickly hid parchment papers.

"Uh, homework." Fred nodded.

"Homework?" Ron repeated, standing up straight.

"Homework." George said, backing his brother up.

Ginny leaned against the wall, laughter following behind her as she moved away from a group of students. "What are you two doing over here?"

"Since when have you two been so interested in what we do?" Fred said as he pulled paper closer to him.

"Said it was homework." Ron said, turning to look at the youngest Weasley.

"Homework? Since when have you two ever done homework? And on the day of a Quidditch Match?" Ginny raised her eyebrow as she leaned over, finally noticing how secretive the twins were being. "And why are you being so secretive?"

"Well, little sister if  you must know, we don't want everyone knowing we are doing homework."

"It'll ruin our reputation as slackers." George said, finishing Fred's thought.

"Seeing as how there is a Quidditch match today, guess we best be getting ready."

Fred and George quickly stacked the pieces of parchment together and got up from the small table. "You should get ready too, little brother." Fred teased as he walked a circle around Ron.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ron yelled defensively.

"Slytherin vs Gryffindor today mate, going to be a rough one." George patted Ron on the back before rushing up the stairs to the dorms with Fred.

Students made their way across the grounds and filled the Quidditch stands, Slytherin swaying in the stands as they sang Weasley Is Our King loudly enough for it to echo into the changing rooms. "Weasley was born in a bin! He always lets the quaffle in! Weasley will make sure we win! Weasley is our King!"

Draco snickered from the changing rooms as his own lyrics pierced his ears. Claire rolled her eyes and pulled her hair up into a tight ponytail before sliding on her leather gloves, balling her hands into a fist stretching them out.

"Right. Gather round." Montague waved his arm around, signaling for everyone to gather around him. The team formed an odd looking circle around the captain, Adrian resting his arm on Claire's shoulder.

Claire moved to the side, letting his arm fall. "Don't touch me." She growled low through clenched teeth.

"That's not what you used to say." Adrian whispered in her ear.

"Oy! Pay attention!" Montague snapped. "Right. Now, Miles has given us a bit of an advantage." Miles Bletchley and Montague snickered as they knew something the rest of the team didn't. "However, even with that, focus and don't embarrass me."

"If anyone is going to embarrass anyone, it's going to be her." Adrian glared at Claire.

"What do you mean by that?" Claire moved closer to Adrian, challenging him.

"I mean that if you can't get that little boyfriend-" Adrian paused to snicker. "I'm sorry, ex boyfriend you'll screw it up for all of us."

Claire lunged forward at Adrian. He took a step back just as arms were wrapped around Claire's waist from another chaser holding her back. She swung her arms and kicked in an attempt to break free. "You evil little, piece of-."

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