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Olivia Campbell

Coffee was not the drink I thought I'd be making after the concert, but the excitement of it all was draining and I had been dancing continuously for hours.

I was humming a song the band had played while putting a coffee pod into the maker, when the door to Liam's dressing room burst open. "Not planning on sleeping tonight?" Liam inquires.

"We'll see," I say as I press the size of coffee I want before turning to face him. "Depends on if you give me a good enough reason to stay up."

He grins as he leans against the doorframe, deciding not to enter the room. "Louis and Niall want to go to a club, you're good with that, right?"

I give Liam the look that tells him not to ask stupid questions as I wait for my coffee. As soon as its done I'm following Liam out the door and towards the exit. "Good job, by the way. You guys really know how to put on a show," I say as I trail after him down the hallway.

Liam glances over his shoulder at me with amusement in his eyes. "Looks like you had a lot of fun, I kept seeing you dancing on the sidelines."

I couldn't control the loud laugh that escaped as I took an extra couple of steps to fall into stride with Liam. "Well I had a drinking buddy backstage! I had, like, four drinks in my hand because I didn't want to keep going to get more and you know that guy— what's his name?" I pause and Liam looks at me expectedly. "Sal! The old guy!" I ignore the shock on his face and continue. "I managed to get him to have a drink because I told him he was being too uptight and then he got the security guard to keep 'em coming for us!"

Liam blinks rapidly before the corners of his lips turn upwards. "Bullshit. Sal would never."

Testing the temperature of my coffee first, I chug back most of it as I nod. "How could I make that up?"

He shakes his head as he comes to a stop at the exit door. "Only you would be able to get Sal to have fun." Liam pushes the door open and then looks back at me, "Did he tell you that he's Wednesday's dad?"

"Nova? She's coming with us, right? She told me she'd—" I walk through the door Liam held open for me to see Louis leaning against a black SUV, Nova deep in conversation with him.

"I guess she is," Liam says while heading straight for the front seat.

"Are we not waiting for Niall?" Louis speaks up as Liam climbs into the passenger seat and says something to the driver while I greet Nova with a smile.

"He'll find another ride," Liam shrugs. "Plus, we don't have enough seats now."

Louis nods, pushing off the car and guiding Nova to the other side with his hand on her back. Interesting. I make an internal note to ask her a few questions later as I hop into the car and close the door.

Just as we're about to leave the parking lot, Niall bursts through the exit and runs towards the car. I don't notice the flask in his right hand until he opens my door and looks at me expectedly. Gesturing towards Louis and Nova crammed in the back with me, I shoot him a smile. "Guess you have to walk now."

Trying to catch his breath, he shakes his head and starts to step into the car. "No way, move over."

"You won't fit."

He smirks and I'm already preparing to roll my eyes. "That's what she said," he immediately cracks up at his own joke before becoming serious. "I guess I'm sitting on your lap then."

I shake my head in attempt to hide the smile making its way onto my face. I lightly push on his chest as I unbuckle my seatbelt and hop out of the car, in order for Niall to get in first. Grinning triumphantly, Niall jumps into the seat and then looks down at me, waiting.

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