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Olivia Campbell

As much as my body was screaming at me to stay in bed, I forced myself to get up. After a long, busy day yesterday, and an exhausting night, my body is really feeling it this morning. The comfort and warmth our bed provided was gone as soon as I threw the sheets off me, like it never existed. I immediately craved to be under the replenishing stream of a hot shower.

Niall is still sleeping peacefully—a major contrast to the chaotic state of our room. The money that covered our bed last night is now littered all over the floor, hardly a patch of the vinyl visible underneath. Every few steps I paused when one would stick to the bottom of my foot, and I kicked it off. It was quite ironic to me, trampling over thousands of dollars like it was nothing. Especially when so many people place money on the highest pedestal of their priorities.

Making my way to the ensuite, I turned on the shower to let the water heat up while I brushed my teeth at the sink. Catching a glimpse of my face in the mirror, I leaned forward to further examine my appearance and I looked as tired as I felt. My skin was dry, dehydrated and peeling in a few spots. Dark circles had formed under my eyes as a direct result of late night after late night. Add an excessive amount of alcohol and drugs into the mix and it's not really a question of why I look and feel like shit. I have nobody to blame but myself.

I made a mental note to take it easy today. Eat some fruit, drink a fuck ton of water, relax. Take a step in the right direction especially when we'll probably be partying just as hard again tomorrow. Or tonight, for that matter, knowing that's what these guys live for every day. I've found myself adapting to their way of life the more time I spend with them. Activities I used to partake in once a week have become daily. And although it's nice to have the freedom to do that, I miss my chill days. Everyone needs time to recuperate once in a while.

Leaning over to spit in the sink while immersed in my own thoughts, I was caught off guard by a sudden pair of arms slipping around my waist. I looked up and saw a sleepy Niall planting a kiss to my cheek. The sight made my heart swell.

"Morning sunshine," he mumbled.

"Good morning," I replied. "If you're still tired you can go back to bed, I was only gonna shower." Niall's face was resting on the top of my head, eyes closed. I didn't want him to think that he has to get up just because I am, especially when this is his easy day between shows.

But at my mention of showering his head perked up slightly. "Am I invited?"

I stared at him in the reflection of the mirror before turning my body around to face him. "Niall...I'm so sore, I don't think—"

"I'll behave. Promise."

The way he looked down into my eyes with such certainty made it impossible to say no.

I sighed in defeat. "Okay, fine."

And he kept his promise. I managed to get undressed and into the shower without a single sneaky grab or a slap on my ass. Niall joined a moment later and like a magnet he was wrapping his arms around me again. That's when I was sure he'd lose control of himself but he never did.

I took a deep breath of the steamy air and hummed in content. I've never seen Niall as mellow as he is right now. So domestic. Perhaps it's because he's still half asleep, rightfully so after we were up nearly all night. But there's something else to this calmness about him that I just can't place. I wouldn't mind seeing this softer side to him more often.

After a minute or so of just standing in each other's arms letting the water run over us, I grabbed the shampoo and was about to pour some into my palm.

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