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Olivia Campbell

The harsh ringing of a phone reverberated loudly through the hotel room, startling me out of my slumber. I squinted my eyes into the darkness of the room, forcing my body upright even though my tired state told me to ignore the ringing and go back to sleep.

Where the fuck is my phone?

Another ring indicated it was on my left and I shuffled slightly, feeling around for it in the dark. As I twisted further to reach the side table, I came in contact with another body.

Liam? No, Niall.

My mind was still cloudy after waking up so suddenly from such a deep sleep, that it took me a second to remember that Niall and I had fallen asleep together in his hotel this afternoon. That must've been quite a few hours ago now, because there wasn't a single drop of light spilling in from the windows.

The phone rang again, and I'm surprised Niall hasn't woken up yet, especially since it was right beside his head. I blindly patted around the surface of the side table until my fingers found the device. Picking it up to reveal the screen, my eyes scrunched tighter again at the brightness before reading Louis' name on the caller ID.

Wait, this isn't my phone. I chucked mine over the fucking balcony today.

At the realization that this was Niall's phone, and it was still ringing, I finally answered.

"Hello?" My voice came out hoarse, still lathered in sleep.

"Oliviaaaaa!" I winced at the sheer volume of my name being called out so cheerfully from the other side of the phone, and I held it away from my ear for a moment.

Louis sure sounds a lot like Nova right now.

"Hey, Nova," I greeted a lot less enthusiastically, still not feeling my usual level of attentiveness. This is why I told Niall not to let me sleep too long. But guess who is still knocked the fuck out beside me.

"I've been calling you and when you weren't answering for soooo long I thought maybe Niall literally fucked you to death," Nova rushed out dramatically.

I was slightly shocked by her bold assumption, but the heavy intoxication was evident in her voice, and it's not like she's that far off. The amount of sex I've had in the last few days is a record for me and should definitely have me in a wheelchair; it's a miracle I'm still able to walk.

"Sorry...my phone isn't working," I explained. I don't feel like dragging Nova into all the drama with my mother so I left it at that.

"We're playing Mario Kart! You guys need to come over here!" Nova changed the subject quickly.

Niall shifted beside me, turning over to his stomach and propping himself up on his elbows. I could just barely make out his face, my eyes already having a few minutes to adjust to the dark.

"What's going on...?" Niall mumbled as he rubbed his eyes. His tired, gravelly voice still makes me shudder.

"Nova's asking if we want to go over there and hang out," I told him.

"I'm not asking!" Nova clarified, causing a soft chuckle out of both Niall and I at her eagerness. "Now get your asses over here, I'm already making your drinks!"

"Alright, alright, we'll be there soon," I assured her before she ended the call.

I leaned over Niall again, setting his phone back on the side table. Before I even attempted to get up from bed, Niall was flipping over onto his back and pulling me on top of him so my legs straddled his waist and my chest was flush with his.

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