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Niall Horan

"Does anyone know what's in a raspberry gimlet?"

"Not the time, Niall," Harry's unimpressed tone crackled through my earpiece. Always so serious; I'd say he just needs to get laid, but I'm pretty sure he's covered in that area so I don't know what the fuck his problem has been lately.

"Hey, I'm just supposed to sit pretty until one of you fuckers tells me who I'm stealing a room key from," I whispered back, trying to keep my irritation in check so his no-fun attitude doesn't ruin my mood.

"Or you can help us find that person." Liam's voice came through.

"Mm no thanks," I say nonchalantly, swirling the bright pink drink around in the martini glass a few times before taking a sip. Pretty good—it'll do the trick.

"It's gin, Niall." Louis' voice filled my ear.

"Thanks," I replied. "It's nice knowing someone doesn't have a stick up their ass."

For fuck's sake, am I the only person who can have fun around here?

I spoke too soon because a pair of slim, manicured hands covered my eyes suddenly from behind. "Guess who?"

Fuck, fuck, fuck, what the fuck? I'd recognize that voice anywhere.

I turned around, still completely shocked to see Liv standing there in front of me. She's in that black dress she bought this morning—I should've been paying attention. Her suspicious behaviour went straight over my head. She looks gorgeous like always, but that's not the point right now.

This is so fucking dangerous.

"Liv, what the fuck are you doing here? How did you even know about this?" I rushed out, keeping my volume low.

"I have my ways," she answered, too vague for my liking, still smiling innocently. She has no clue what she's getting herself into.

Actually, no; I'm not gonna stress myself out about this. What she wants to get involved in is none of my business. She came on this tour with Liam so if anyone is responsible for her, it's him. I'm not playing babysitter at the hotel. She and I are just having a good time.

That's all we've been doing; it's great. It's just meaningless sex and casual fun. I'm gonna keep it that way.

"So what are we drinking?" Liv inquired. I might as well just accept that she's here now and she clearly doesn't know anything too incriminating, so I'm just gonna go with it.

"Raspberry gimlet." I'd only had a sip from it so far, and I know I won't be able to take advantage of the open bar tonight like I want to. Need to keep a clear head so we can get this shit done and get out of here.

Then the real party starts.

"What the hell is a raspberry gimlet?" Liv asked, and thanks to Louis answering my same question, I can actually tell her.

"Gin. Here, try it." I slid the glass over so it was within her reach.

She took a sip then used her thumb to wipe her lipstick print off the rim of the glass. "That's really good."

I waved down the bartender, who just happened to be Regina from the party last night. She hasn't noticed Liv yet.

"Could I get another raspberry gimlet, please, for my lovely friend here?" I used an overly formal tone, causing her to eye me suspiciously for a moment.

"Of course, I—" she stopped mid-sentence as her eyes landed on Liv after she turned slightly. "Oh my God, Olivia? I didn't expect to see you here, you look amazing," she complimented her.

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