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Niall Horan

"Sorry, babe, I guess we will have to finish this another time. I'll hopefully see you around." The brunette smiled devilishly as she left me standing alone in the washroom with a hard-on.

I can't believe that just fucking happened.

As soon as I laid eyes on her, strutting her hips across the beach in that tiny black bikini and denim shorts, I knew I was in trouble. I had girls all over me but they seemed to fade out of my vision when my gaze fell on her. She was the type of pretty you'd see on the cover of a magazine or the hot actress every guy drools over. Her flirty smile through the crowd said "come and get it" so I pulled myself away from the girls hanging off me to go do just that. There wasn't a blemish visible on her tanned skin that I was lucky enough to run my hands over. I wish I had the chance to do more than just kiss her. Especially with where things were headed. She said we will have to finish another time, but she probably says that to all the guys. I never even got her name. 

Walking over to the sink, I ran my fingers through my hair to straighten it out. It didn't help my situation imagining her newly painted nails as she ran them up my thighs prior to being rudely interrupted. I shuttered at the thought. "Just think about the time that chick threw up on you..." I mumbled under my breath trying to contain myself. "Yeah, that was fucking gross." I shut my eyes, picturing that memory like it was yesterday. I turned the tap on full blast, splashing my cheeks with cold water. I had to get this chick out of my head. She was probably out of my league, anyways. But no one needed to know about this; I have a reputation to maintain. I'm not used to being rejected, and a rockstar with everything going for him shouldn't have to be.

"Okay," I shook my arms out and looked at my reflection in front of me, pointing my finger at it. "Forget about her; you're hot shit and girls are lining up to fuck you!" I saw the door open in the corner of my eye and a slim, shirtless college kid was staring at me cautiously. "The fuck are you looking at?" I mutter at him as I leave quickly, a little embarrassed to be caught giving my own ego a boost.

This is not a good start to my last day of our weekend bender in Daytona.

I stalked off from the beach bar and straight towards the VIP cabana where my other bandmates were. Grabbing a seat at the bar next to Harry, I waved the bartender over and ordered another shot. I lost count of how many I've had already, but there's no need to count when you have literally no responsibilities.

"Just one, Ni?" Liam said from his corner seat, gesturing to the single shot being poured for me.

"If you're trying to get plastered by lunch, you'd better pick up the pace, mate." Louis added, egging me on but barely looking up from his phone.

"Maybe if you weren't too busy texting your fucking mum, we could be doing a line right now." I shot back. He stopped typing and gave me a glare.

"Don't bring my mum into this," Louis shook his head.

"Yeah, what's with the stick up your ass?" Liam called me out.

"He clearly just needs to get laid," Harry mumbled with a cigarette hanging from his lips.

"I was fucking about to!" I snapped, causing a few other heads to glance my way before resuming their own business. "I just... thought she deserved more than a bathroom fuck. Because I'm a gentleman." I twisted the truth a bit to hopefully save my ego.

Liam just smirked, shaking his head slowly. "I don't buy it." Before I could argue, Liam directed his attention past me, towards the entrance. "No fucking way!" A dark-haired girl came into view as she walked past me, straight to Liam, throwing her arms around his neck. As he pulled her onto his lap, with an arm snaked around her waist, my heart nearly stopped beating.

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