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Olivia Campbell

Niall reluctantly followed me, like I knew he would, as I started down the sidewalk in search of somewhere to eat. I've never been to Atlanta, so I have no clue where I'm going, but I'm sure we'll come across some place soon.

Suddenly, I was being pulled into a dark alley on my left and I panicked momentarily before realizing it was Niall that grabbed me.

"Niall, what are you—" I started to ask, but my question was answered when I saw the dim neon sign flickering at the end of the alley pointing to a door on the right with a bouncer just outside.

"It's a bit of a hole-in-the-wall," he explained as we walked down the narrow alley. "Only locals know about this place."

"Well, how do you know about it?" I look over at him, barely making out his features through the dark.

"I have my sources." He answered vaguely, and I accepted that I probably won't get much more from him about that.

Niall gave the bouncer a curt nod, placing his hand over my lower back to lead me inside to a half booth near the bar. The whole atmosphere was dim, a mix of purple and blue lights scattered around the ceiling above a stage, and the bar was backlit behind the shelf of alcohol. Each table only had one pendant light hanging over it, glowing a soft violet.

Our food came rather quickly after we ordered, and having food in my stomach gave me the energy I didn't realize I was missing. It also let me convince myself to get another drink or two, Niall doing the same.

I noticed that he wasn't as talkative tonight as he normally is, and the unusual silence was making me nervous, so I proceeded to tell him about one time when I was at a strip club, and one of my guy friends got a little too drunk and jumped up on stage. He completely stole the show before we all got kicked out.

As I recalled the events to Niall, he sat beside me and kept eye contact as he sipped his drink, although his mind seemed to be elsewhere. My theory was only proven further when he placed his hand on my bare thigh, slowly sliding it higher.

I tried to ignore the tingling of my skin under his touch and continue my story, but his fingers were dangerously close to the exact spot I wanted them, making it harder to focus on what I was talking about in the first place.

I paused mid-sentence to grab his wrist as his fingers brushed lightly against the fabric of my shorts between my thighs.

"Niall, are you even paying attention?" I ask, but the way he looked at my lips told me the answer.

"Listen, sunshine, I love talking to you," he said, leaning closer to my ear. "But all I can think about is how badly I want to fuck you right now."

I inhaled deeply, feeling a shiver travel down my spine. "Right now?" I repeat, instantly hating how thrown off I sound. He has a way of making me stumble over my words like no one has before. Normally I'm better at hiding it.

"Yes, right now." He pressed his lips to my neck, sucking lightly for a moment before pulling back to meet my eyes.

"Well maybe we should get out of here then," I said, letting go of his wrist and slipping out of the booth. He followed suit, and I didn't bother to protest when he left a few bills on the table because my mind was already clouded with lust. All I could focus on was him.

He lead me wordlessly through crowds of people, and instead of leaving the bar like I thought we were, I was being directed down a different hallway and into one of the bathrooms.

Niall locked the door behind us, taking a few sauntering strides to meet me in the middle of the room after I set my bag on the counter. He slipped his hands around my waist and leaned in to kiss me, tugging my bottom lip between his teeth hungrily before releasing it.

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