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Olivia Campbell

Despite it still being morning, the hot Nashville sun was already beating down on us, causing waves of sweaty discomfort followed by temporary solace in a slight breeze. Luckily, the flea market wasn't far from here, so the four of us continued on through the heat with no complaints. 

Louis and Nova were on my left, Niall to my right, and we broke our formation occasionally to let people pass us on the sidewalk. I've never been to Nashville, so I can't attest to how busy it usually is, but the streets seemed to grow more and more crowded as we all flocked in the direction of the market, indicating that it must be a popular event. 

It was starting to feel quite comfortable between the four of us now, some unknown element really tying us all together. The only person out of the group that I had a weaker connection with, prior to today, was Louis. I've never had any personal interactions with him, and from the outside he seems guarded, doesn't say much, stays to himself. But he's starting to remind me of Liam a bit now, seeing him let his walls down around people he's comfortable with. Plus, he teamed up with me to pick on Niall when he said he doesn't like salads because he's "not a fucking rabbit" to which Louis replied with, "well, you fuck like one." 

An older couple walking ahead of us both turned around suddenly when we all started laughing loudly and uncontrollably. It felt nice to get lost in this moment. Just having a good time, with good people and good conversation. Any other worries can wait, because I'd like to stay content in this moment for as long as I can. 

But I know it won't last. 

Louis began to tell the story of Nova's first day on the job and how she accidentally turned all the lights out in the middle of the concert, causing some mild panic. But I started to fade out of the conversation when I felt Niall's fingers slightly brush against mine. 

That split second felt like forever. As soon as the warmth of his touch was gone, I was already praying for it to return. But he walked on, completely unfazed. 

I internally cursed myself. How naive am I to think even for a moment that he would display any sort of affection in public? Especially when there isn't any affection to display in the first place—we're just fucking. 

We're just fucking. This is all meaningless. He doesn't like you. Get that through your thick skull, Olivia. 

I have to repeat the reminders in my head over and over again because something just isn't clicking in my brain that this is temporary. This is nothing. 

"Liv, did you hear a single thing I said?" 

Nova's voice grabbed my attention finally and I focused on my surroundings again. 

"Hmm? Oh, sorry. Kinda zoned out for a minute," I briefly explained. I caught Niall's gaze for only a second and when I noticed his eyes already on me, I looked away. Even though he can't read my mind—I think—I still felt exposed to be caught so deep in thought. About him. 

"It's fine," she shrugged. "Lou does it all the time, too." Nova giggled immediately, jolting away from Louis who must've poked her side. 

"I do not," he argued, unable to hide a small smile while she laughed. 

"You do! Just this morning you were sat on the edge of the bed staring at the wall for five minutes!" Nova laughed again as she dodged one of Louis' playful jabs, only returning once he said he promised he wouldn't. From the corner of my eye I could see Niall smiling slightly at their interaction. 

"So, what were you saying then, Nova?" I asked, hoping I wasn't offending her by getting so lost in my head that I ignored whatever she was telling me. 

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