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Olivia Campbell

The first thing I noticed when Liam and I entered Niall's apartment was that I barely recognized it from earlier. It was dark, loud and hot. Sweaty bodies plastered the walls of the smoky hallway, only short flashes of a strobe light giving me any indication to the erotic things they were doing. Liam and I maneuvered our way through, both completely unfazed; this wasn't my first rodeo.

With a hand placed gently on my exposed back, Liam led me to the kitchen island so we could get started on drinks right away.

As Liam picked through a large assortment of liquor, I scanned the apartment for Niall. I didn't forget about our little bet from earlier so I needed eyes on him all night, or rather his eyes on me. I've already been subject to his teasing, but he doesn't know who he's dealing with yet. I won't lose.

My eyes finally land on him, leaning against a wall in his yellow swim shorts and a white shirt buttoned up half way, chatting with a guy I didn't recognize. I stared for a moment before his gaze went straight to me, and I knew he'd already been watching me. Game on.

I shot a playful smirk over to Niall as I felt Liam's body press up behind mine. "Open your mouth," Liam commanded into my ear. I could tell by the gravelly tone of his voice that the atmosphere is already affecting him and I could expect him to be all over me tonight. It'll definitely play in my favour while I know Niall's watching.

I keep my eyes locked on Niall from across the room while I do what Liam requested and opened my mouth. One hand came up in front of me with a shot, and the other wrapped around the front of my throat without squeezing. He tilted my head back against his chest and proceeded to pour the shot into my mouth. He let go of me when the shot glass was empty and I made sure to look right at Niall as I swallowed the liquid. He didn't have that same confident smirk as he did a minute ago. It was replaced with a dark lust in his dilated eyes as he toyed with his bottom lip between his forefinger and thumb. One point for me.

I turned my body and my attention to Liam again. "Let's go dance," I suggested, grabbing his wrists and pulling him away from the kitchen. He happily obliged, following me to the centre of the apartment. The couch and coffee table had been pushed back towards the window to create more room for people to dance—if you can even call it dancing. Under the flashing lights, all I could see was mostly people grinding on each other to the heavy music. Not that I'm anyone to judge, I'm here to do the same thing.

Liam was quick to attach himself to me, letting my hips sway freely against him. He wrapped his arms around my torso, keeping me close, which I was thankful for. I didn't need another creep like that guy from the club trying to approach me.

After a few songs, getting slicker with sweat the longer we danced, I saw the same blonde-haired beauty through the sea of people. Niall had a drink in one hand and two girls all over him. He seemed quite amused at how eager they were to keep his attention, like he might get bored of them at any second and move along.

I thought maybe he didn't see me when he brought a hand down to smack one girl's ass, moving his fingers to grip her hips as she was bent in front of him. But when he looked over his shoulder, knowing exactly where I was, I knew he put on that show for me. And his performance was stellar because all I could picture was him doing that to me. I must not have done a very good job at hiding my arousal over that scene, because he shot me a cheeky wink before getting back to it with the two girls. I'll have to up my game to get him back.

Suddenly, I was being tugged by the wrist to follow Liam to the couch. An image of those panties I found here today flashed through my mind. Maybe I'll lose mine on this couch tonight if all goes well.

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