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Olivia Campbell

The last song of the show wasn't even over, but I was already making my way backstage to beat the rush once people started to filter out of the crowded stadium.

Liam told me earlier to just meet him in his dressing room, so I quickly navigated through the maze of hallways and venue employees until I reached the door with his name posted on the outside.

I could faintly hear the music come to an end and the crowd erupted in adoration. Chicago has been one of the craziest shows I've seen; Louis said the whole stadium was sold out in less than ten minutes and I could feel how intensely the fans loved them tonight. The boys seemed to feel it too, because they just looked like they were really having a good time up there, fully submerging themselves into the experience.

Of course, thousands of obsessed fans also means it's more difficult to get backstage and get out of the stadium before being noticed. So I knew that as soon as the music stopped and Nova cut the stage lights, they would be rushing back here to the safety of their dressing rooms.

I obviously wasn't expecting anyone yet, considering I had a few minutes to get a head start, but as I opened the door to Liam's dressing room and took two steps in, I was met with two people I'd never seen before.

"E gli ho detto, 'se non pensi che sputare sia sexy non penso che questa situazione possa funzionare,' e poi lui—"

The dark haired man on the couch stopped talking mid sentence to turn his head in my direction upon my arrival, the girl reclined in the chair adjacent to him doing the same. I immediately felt intimidated by their focus on me.

"Oh, um, I—" I started mumbling, not sure if they even knew English and I had no clue what to do in this situation. But the man smiled at me and stood, making his way to me with his arms open.

"Ah, Olivia!" I was confused that he knew my name and even more confused when he confidently embraced me and placed a kiss on both of my cheeks. "We have been waiting for you!" he carried on enthusiastically.

"Sorry, how do you—" I was about to ask how they know who I am and why exactly they've been waiting for me, but the lighter-haired girl spoke before I could finish getting the words out.

"Did Liam not tell you we are here?" I noticed right away that her accent wasn't as thick as her friend's. And I couldn't help but notice her bold outfit choice—a black leather mini skirt and a fully mesh long sleeved top with black tape in the shape of an 'x' over each of her nipples. It definitely doesn't leave much to the imagination, not that I'm complaining.

"No, he never mentioned it," I replied, already feeling a bit more comfortable just by the fact that they know Liam somehow.

"Fuck, of course he didn't," the guy said, throwing his hands up rather dramatically before letting them fall to his sides again. "Anyways, come, come." He motioned for me to follow and join him on the couch, so I closed the door behind me and let him usher me over.

Taking a better look at him now, the red silk shirt he left unbuttoned most of the way gave me a clear view of the tattoos littering his chest. Leather seemed to be the theme tonight, as he was also showing it off with black leather pants.

I should probably be taking notes from these two on how to dress and hit the shops soon so I can stop wearing the same denim shorts and tank top combo all the time.

"So, Olivia, forgive us," the guy started as we sat down. "We have not introduced ourselves yet. I'm Damiano."

"And I'm Victoria."

"Well, it's nice to meet you both," I replied with a smile.

"Please," Damiano dismissed my response with a wave of his hand that I noticed was adorned with quite a few rings. "The pleasure is all ours."

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