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"One day someone is going to hug you so tight, that all of your broken pieces fit back together

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"One day someone is going to hug you so tight, that all of your broken pieces fit back together."

Morocco, Africa
June, 1943

WHEN LUCY SET FOOT IN the African base, she'd let a smile slip onto her face. It was far from genuine, and all she could do was hope it'd be enough to fool the leading colonel, or well, at least the man that'd allow her to pursue the 107th division, legally. Her eyes flitted across the flight crew who stood alongside a tan-skinned man who peered at her beneath his cap. Her gaze remained focused on him as she dragged her suitcase across the pebbly ground, approaching him leisurely. The man was at least a head shorter than her, and he seemed to straighten when she towered over him. That didn't change the respect she had for him, purely because he was a US colonel.

"You must be Agent Lucille Baker." The colonel said placatingly as he held a hand towards her.

He examined her and Lucy wondered if she looked as particularly exhausted as she was. She tried to smooth her features in an attempt to look less threatening, grasping his hand firmly.

"Yes, although Lucy or Agent Baker works." She paused. "I hope you received Colonel Phillips' message?"

The colonel nodded in response, then turned his head towards the flight crew, dismissing them with one hand. Lucy remained silent as he turned on his heel and walked towards a barrack. She followed behind him as he glanced at her again.

"My name is George Anderson, Colonel Anderson, if you will." He informed. "Colonel Phillips told me a stray was coming by, something about a former-prisoner-of-war-turned-special-agent?"

Lucy eye twitched at his wording, feet dragging against the floor.

"But you're not here to fight, he said, more so to. . .hide." He continued, raising an eyebrow.

Lucy was genuinely surprised by his ability to seem completely charitable yet judgemental at the same time. The drastic emotional switch was something she was used to handling, however, so she merely shrugged and adjusted the grip on her suitcase handle, unfazed.

"I'm here for my own benefit as much as the military's, Colonel." She said as they entered the barrack.

She was instantly greeted by rows of beds, which were empty and folded. She examined the walls before approaching a bed and dropping her suitcase on it. She flipped the case open as Colonel Anderson hovered over her shoulder.

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