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"To care so much is to hurt

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"To care so much is to hurt. But it's worth it."

Soviet Base, Ukraine.
June, 1954

METAL SCREECHED AS A steel door clattered open. A gust of cold air burst from the center of the cylindrical tube it was connected to, smoke unraveling across the small room. Warmth unfurled within the tube and Lucy could faintly see a bright white light in front of her eyes. She felt cold, not just a chilling cold, but a brumous ice-like cold that seeped through her muscles and skin, burying deep into her bones and remaining there. Her hair was completely frozen, shards of ice clinging to her head, her body, her skin. A shiver travelled through her body as the blinding light bled into vague shapes and moving colors.

She felt two hands grab onto her arms and she would've gasped at the warmth if she could. The calloused scars over the person's palms were familiar- Dr. Schaffer. She felt herself be pulled forwards, but failed to gain control of her limbs, still too cold and frozen to have the ability to move. His hands left, replaced by two pairs of hands grabbing onto either side of her arm. Her feet dragged uselessly against the floor as she was pulled onto a metal table, warm compared to her body's temperature.

She tried to observe her surroundings, and realized their were doctors speaking frantically to each other, Dr. Schaffer's voice sharp and directive as metal cuffs pressed against her wrists, atop the gold already trapping her abilities. She inhaled air with a sharp gasp, finding the energy to finally breathe.

Except she wasn't breathing.

Nothing was entering her airways and she started to panic, struggling against the restraints as her lungs burned for air. A hand pressed her back against the table and she kicked with alarm as something hovered in front of her face.

"Easy, Ver, easy!" Dr. Schaffer exclaimed as he moved beside her.

He tucked his hand underneath her head quickly, unclasping her mask and replacing it with another clear one, connected to a large tank.

An oxygen tank.

Lucy's heart still hammered in her chest but the air finally entered her lungs, slowly diminishing her panic. A relieved sigh left her lips as she lay on the table, shutting her eyes. Someone was wiping the ice-now-water from her face, ruffling out her soaked hair.

Once her breathing grew normal the mask on her face was removed.

She blinked hard, registering Dr. Schaffer's face.

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