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"The willingness to learn is a choice

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"The willingness to learn is a choice."

Bavaria, Germany
December, 1939

LUCY'S HANDS PLANTED FIRMLY on the ground, body vertical to the ground. Her back arched as she twisted in the air, hand crossing the other as she flipped and landed on her feet. Her hands rested on her thigh holsters for a second, then she drew two Glock's, facing steel targets. She pulled the trigger three times on both hands, forearm dropping each time. Bullets clattered against the wall behind them, the sound echoing in the metal room. Her ears rang as sweat trickled down her forehead. She stepped forwards and inspected the entrance wound on her targets, before holstering her guns.

She walked behind them, eyeing the scattered bullets, before picking all six of them up. She turned on her heel and silently paced towards a plastic container with approximately fifty four bullets. She dropped the metal in her hand and grabbed a new clip of ammo, attaching them to her guns. She turned on her heel and stood silently in the center of the room. Her knees threatened to buckle so she locked them in place, back straightening as she waited for the glass door to open. Her arms ached with fatigue and her head pulsed with a pain that vibrated throughout her whole body.

She would sit if she knew who would step inside, but she never knew, and she'd rather tread forward carefully. If she was lucky, Abraham would step past the glass and bring her to the library. He'd teach her the molecular structure of chemicals and compounds and occasionally sneak her food. If she wasn't lucky, Dr. Schaffer would step inside with an absurd request and set her up for failure.

The glass slid open and her expression remained neutral as Dr. Schaffer stepped inside, his brows furrowed as he rolled his eyes and tapped his pen on his clipboard. Lucy held her hands open-palmed once again. He looked vaguely annoyed and he waved his hand at her. She lowered her arms and watched tensely as he stepped towards the table with bullets, dropping his clipboard with a clang.

"Wie oft?"

How many times?

He questioned, grabbing six bullets and grouping them besides the container.

Lucy's eyebrow twitched and she tensely folded her hands behind her back.



She said firmly.

He hummed in response and Lucy watched in silence as metal clattered against metal. He finished counting and looked mildly satisfied as he put the bullets back in the container. He stepped around the metal table and grabbed one of the guns from her holster, spinning it in his hand.

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