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"In the midst of chaos there is also opportunity

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"In the midst of chaos there is also opportunity."

Oświęcim, Poland
August, 1940

LUCY LAY UNMOVING ON the ground, arms wrapped around her torso. Paths of dried blood trailed her back, and her body ached with every breath she took. Her eyes remained unblinking as she heard the locks to her room click open. She shut her eyes slowly as the door creaked, footsteps drawing closer. A shuddering breath left her lips and she opened her eyes when a warm hand gently grabbed her arm. A blurry face stared down at her with wary concern and she felt him slip his arm beneath her knees. He lifted her off the ground and she let out a sharp hiss, pain like stabbing knives twisting in her stomach.

Lucy looked down the hall blearily as he carried her, walking slowly and carefully. They passed the temperature therapy rooms, and the infirmary. She tilted her head curiously and took a closer look at the man holding her. She recognized Dr. Fenhoff's frown and sweet relief filled her veins.

Dr. Fenhoff had been intrigued- to say the least- and agreed to work with Dr. Schaffer out of curiosity. But Lucy had learned fairly quickly that Dr. Fenhoff hated violence with a passion. In turn, he held great distaste for his newfound colleague, and offered to be lenient towards her.

She breathed softly as he pushed open the bathroom door and placed her in the bathtub besides the farthest wall. He grabbed a towel and hooked it across the pole of the shower curtain. He pressed his lips into a thin line as he pulled the curtain closed.

Lucy was comforted by the rare moment of privacy and pried her bloody shirt off her shoulders. She turned the faucet and warm water rushed into the tub. She held her hands underneath it and splashed a handful of it on her back. She could feel the ridges on her back- whip lashes that had healed within less than a day- and she swallowed anxiously. She cleaned the rest of her body and grabbed the towel, drying herself enough.

The curtain rings clicked as Dr. Fenhoff pushed it open. He held a stack of new clothes in his hand and she took them robotically, nodding in thanks. He shut the curtain and Lucy changed as swiftly as possible before stepping out of the tub. She held her hands outwards, palm-open. Dr. Fenhoff sighed as he grabbed her wrists and clicked silver bracelets around her hands. The thin bands blinked green as she lowered her hands..

He handed her a rubber band and she pulled her wet hair into a tight ponytail.

"Ваша сила ослабла из-за недостатка тренировок. Сегодня вы присоединитесь к евреям в казармах. Доктор Шеффер ожидает, что вы будете действовать безупречно. Понял?"

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