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"The world needs all the good I can do

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"The world needs all the good I can do."

Red Room, ???
August, 1995

YELENA NARROWLY DODGED A knife thrown at her head as she sprung backwards on her hands, landing in a roll. Verfall flicked her wrist, and the blade shot back towards her. She caught it before it could embed itself in her arm, and threw it again, this time at Yelena's feet. She immediately sidestepped while keeping her eyes forward. She caught Verfall's fist before it could collide with her face, arms shaking at the sheer amount of force behind her punch. Yelena swung her leg at her feet and Verfall jumped, attempting to draw back her fist.

But Yelena grasped onto her with both her hands, nails digging into her skin. Verfall blinked, not expecting that, as she slammed her foot into her torso, letting go at the same time. Verfall stumbled backwards, but caught herself before she could hit the ground.

Yelena's mouth moved in a huff, but no sound escaped her. Verfall felt pride swell in her chest as the girl lunged forwards. She kicked up in the air, putting her arm around Verfall's shoulder and swinging her whole body at her legs.

Verfall hit the ground with a small thud, and she sat up as Yelena held a fist to her chin.

"Good." She said and Yelena slowly drew back standing straight.

Verfall smiled underneath her mask, ruffling the girl's hair softly. Yelena looked up at her, trying her best to conceal a beam.

She turned her head to Winter, who was on the training mat across from them, Natalia hooking her legs around his shoulders. They both slammed into the ground, with Natalia putting him in a chokehold. Winter's eyes narrowed as he slammed his metal elbow back into her. She winced, but refused to let go.

After a few more seconds, he finally tapped her arm.

She loosened her grip, standing to her feet. Winter followed afterwards, towering over the shorter girl. His eyes flicked to Verfall.

She blinked at him, and he huffed his chin out towards Yelena. Verfall immediately knew what he meant and she hesitated for half a second before gently nudging Yelena towards Winter.

"We are switching partners." She clarified as Yelena looked up at her.

She seemed intimidated as Natalia crossed the space between the training mats. She gripped Verfall's sleeve tightly with one hand, shifting on her feet.

Winter eyed her with mild amusement.

Verfall shot him a frown and he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.

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