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"The enemy is fighting you not because you are weak

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"The enemy is fighting you not because you are weak. They're fighting you because you're strong."

Wisconsin, America
October, 1942

HER HEART HAMMERED IN her chest as she gripped at the shackles around her hands. Her eyes flickered back and forth anxiously as she shifted on her knees, legs aching as she tried to move. Her blood failed to circulate to her feet and an anxious whimper escaped her lips. Metal contained her from all four sides and she could barely move without her back pressing against the walls. Water was up to her nose and she had to tilt her head back in order to breathe.

Her chest heaved and her breaths were short. She could feel her throat closing and the feeling had not changed since the moment she'd been put in the box. She hadn't known how much time had passed but every limb attached to her body had started aching ages ago.

A shudder travelled through her body when the water started to drain beneath her. Goosebumps littered her skin and she shivered as the water disappeared completely. The door didn't open and she was left drip drying in the dark.

"Bitte. Bitte. Please." She whispered against the walls, lips trembling as she dared to speak.

There was no response- no footstep she could catch- and her heart threatened to burst from her chest. She tugged against the restraints and tears trickled down her face as she leaned her forehead against the metal. Her whispered pleads fell on dead ears and she sat there for another hour before the door opened.

Lucy adjusted to the light as she blinked harshly. She felt calloused hands pull her out of the box and the shackles around her hands disappeared. She blearily recognized the scent of tobacco as smoke circled her nose. She barely cringed at the smell as she leaned into the warmth his body offered. She gripped desperately onto his lab coat as he drew in a long breath of smoke, blowing it out in a soft exhale.

"Why did you leave, Verfall?" He breathed calmly and Lucy froze, her body shaking violently.

He was silent for a moment and guilt climbed the back of her throat as she tried to find something to say.

"Why did you leave?" He repeated, his voice suddenly as cold as stone.

Lucy gripped onto him tightly and his face contorted with anger as he grabbed her wrists and pulled them harshly to her sides.

"Tut mir leid. Мне жаль. I'm sorry. I'm sorry! I'm sorry-" she whimpered anxiously and she felt his hands grab her shoulders.

"-Lucy! Wake up!" Someone shouted.

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