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"Well, there are already so many big men fighting the war

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"Well, there are already so many big men fighting the war. Maybe what we need now is a little guy, huh?"

Brooklyn, New York
June, 1943

LUCY'S HAIR WAS PINNED into petite curls, lining the sides of her head and flowing right beneath her shoulders. She wore a cream colored Greta blouse with a blue suit jacket clinging to her back. A navy and cobalt blue checkered skirt was pulled to her waist and the short heels to her black peep-toe shoes clicked against the ground. She tilted her red hat as her eyes flickered across the crowds of curious families and friends, looking around in awe at the inventions presented across the open streets. Fireworks exploded in the air and Lucy would've winced at the harsh sound if she hadn't ever heard a gun explode at the side of her head. She knew even that wasn't enough to burst her eardrums- they had tested that, too.

She let the memory slip from her mind, sucking in a soft breath as she neared a monument. She leaned against it, the stone's cold exterior seeping through her clothes and pressing against the warmth of her body.

A few feet besides her was another woman, who observed her for a moment before sauntering forwards. She was at least four inches shorter than her, could've weighed 115 pounds- maybe even less- and clearly had no physical training. She had dark brown hair that was curled, slightly tousled from excitement, it seemed. Her eyes were hazel, sharp and darting across the exposition. She tilted her lips into a shark-like grin and Lucy knew from the confidence in her shoulders that she was cocky and possibly narcissistic.

Lucy decided she would be easy to incapacitate and concluded she was, in fact, harmless. She inwardly scowled at the fleeting thought, swatting it away as the woman stopped in front of her.

Lucy managed not to cringe as the woman stuck a hand out towards her.

"My name's Connie." She said with a tilt of her head, voice raised as she spoke over the crowds of people.

Lucy could hear her just fine- in fact the woman was a little too loud- and she plastered a dazzling smile on her face, eyes twinkling as if she was genuinely happy to see her.

She wasn't.

"Lucy." She greeted shortly with a polite tone.

She hoped the woman- Connie- would realize she didn't want to converse. Lucy inspected her gaze and didn't look mildly annoyed when Connie's face glowed brightly and her mouth opened again.

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