#27 without you

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Hoseok swore he had never run as fast as he had just now. His lungs were burning, his legs ached. He was athletic, but anything but fast. While running, he looked at his phone. 10 unread messages from Hyungwon, 2 missed calls from Hyungwon. 6:59 p.m. he has one minute left.

He almost fell as he sprinted around the last turn. There he was, Hyungwon looked at his phone one last time before getting into the cab. "Hyungwon! HYUNGWON!" Hoseok yelled as loud as he could in between his breath, catching the attention of the younger man who was about to close the door.

A smile spread across the younger man's face as he saw the muscular man sprinting toward him. "Hoseok!" he shouted with glee, "You made it in time!"

At full speed, the older man ran into Hyungwon and hugged him as tightly as he could. The two of them stumbled backwards a few steps and almost fell over. "Take care of yourself, stay healthy and have fun. Enchant people with your piano playing. You're great!" Hoseok gasped, completely out of breath as he squished the taller into a tight hug. He wanted to say so many things, but time was too short.

Hyungwon smiled at the sweaty man in front of him and gave the older man one last tight squeeze. Three months they won't see each other. Three months without cuddling. Suddenly Hyungwon felt like he wouldn't survive the loneliness either. Although he never once felt lonely during the three world trips Hyungwon has already made.

"Take care of yourself too, don't work too much and stay healthy! Call me if you need me, pinkie promise?" Hyungwon said and ruffled Hoseok's hair. He stretched out his little finger, which Hoseok grabbed with his pinkie to seal the promise, before Hyungwon got into the car. He held Hoseok's small finger until the smaller one had to close the door so the cab could finally drive off.

Hyungwon breathed on the window pane like he did a day ago and drew a heart on the window pane. He held his hand next to the heart. Hoseok put his hand on the other side of the glass right by Hyungwon's hand. The cab drove off, leaving Hoseok behind watching Hyungwon waving at him until he disappeared in the far. Now Hoseok was alone again.


for three months.

Hoseok stood in the same spot for more than 10 minutes, tears running down his cheeks. He couldn't even kiss him before he left. Or invite him to dinner or do the same for Hyungwon that he did for him last night. He would have preferred to sink into a deep sleep and not wake up until Hyungwon was back to kiss him. But life is not a fairy tale - especially not 'sleeping beauty'.

Uncertainly, he put one foot in front of the other and slowly walked back to his apartment. He unlocked his door and found a letter lying on the floor in front of him. A red letter with a little heart and a bunny on it. Hastily he closed the door, sat down with his shoes on the couch and impatiently tore open the letter to see the contents.

It was a photo. A photo of Hyungwon on his bed. His upper body naked, his lips formed into a kissing mouth. Hoseok admired the man in the photo before turning it over, certain that there must be something written on the back. Hyungwon said himself that he wants the same rights for both of them. That's why he was walking around shirtless and that's why he left Hoseok this letter, just like Hoseok did a week ago.

hey cuddlebunny

I'm sorry that I have to leave you alone.
But I promise you that we can talk on the phone whenever you want when I don't have a concert, ok?
Unfortunately I don't have a gym to invite you to like you did, but I can offer you a video call where we cuddle through the internet.
I know it's nothing compared to cuddle in real life, but I promise I'll invite you to cuddle in my bed as soon as I am back.
Stay safe, be careful and don't forget to smile. Your smile is beautiful.

SEND NUDES | Hyungwonho ✓Where stories live. Discover now